[ārom nai kān chaijāi] (n, exp) EN: inclination to spend
[baidīkā] (n) EN: invitation to participate in merit-making
[bon] (prep) EN: on ; upper ; above ; on top of FR: sur ; dessus ; au-dessus ; supérieur
[dīkā] (n) EN: petition to the crown ; appeal FR: pétition [ f ] ; supplique [ f ] ; requête [ f ]
[dīkā] (n) EN: invitation to a monk ; letter of invitation to a Buddhist monk ; solicitation for a contribution ; subscription for Buddhist temple funds
[fai] (v) EN: pay attention to ; have an interest ; hope for ; desire ; long for ; yearn for ; be attracted toward ; cherish
[fakfai] (v) EN: concentrate on ; pay attention to ; be interested in
[ja] (x) EN: will ; shall [ future mark (action to be completed) ] FR: [ auxiliaire du futur ]
[jam ja tǿng] (v, exp) EN: have to ; must ; be under an obligation to FR: devoir ; avoir l'obligation de
[jamnūan prachākøn] (n, exp) EN: population FR: population [ f ] ; population totale [ f ] ; nombre d'habitants [ m ]
[jamnūan prachākøn nai prathēt Thai] (n, exp) FR: population totale de la Thaïlande [ f ]
[jotjø] (v) EN: concentrate ; pay particular attention to ; be absorbed in
[jukjik] (v) EN: fuss ; worry about ; be fussy ; be fastidious ; pay excessive attention to ; fidget
[kān poēt pramūn] (n, exp) EN: call for bids ; invitation to tender
[kān rīek pramūn rākhā] (n, exp) EN: invitation to tender ; invitation to bid FR: appel d'offres [ m ]
[kān thøngthīo choēng anurak] (n, exp) EN: ecotourism ; conservation tourism FR: écotourisme [ m ]
[kān yuyong hai kratham phit] (n, exp) EN: instigation to commit a crime
[khāngbon] (prep) EN: above ; upstairs ; on top of ; over ; on its top FR: en haut ; au-dessus ; sur ; par dessus
[khāo mū daēng] (xp) EN: rice with red pork on top
[khāo rāt nā] (xp) EN: rice with meat or vegetables on top FR: riz en sauce [ m ]
[khāpūaykān phayān] (n, exp) EN: conduct money ; compensation to witnesses
[khreūangmeū seūsān] (n, exp) EN: communication tool FR: appareil de communication [ m ]
[khwan phit] (n, exp) EN: toxic fumes ; noxious fumes FR: fumée toxique [ f ] ; émanation toxique [ f ]
[kin chøn] (v, exp) EN: take meal with a spoon ; use a spoon to eat with FR: manger à la cuillère
[kītawitthayā beūangton] (n, exp) EN: elementary entomology ; introduction to entomology
[laeng thøngthīo] (n, exp) EN: tourist site ; tourist attraction ; tourism location FR: lieu touristique [ m ] ; endroit touristique [ m ] ; site touristique [ m ] ; attraction touristique [ f ]
[lamloēk] (v) EN: ask repayment for services rendered ; remind (one) of one's obligation to the speaker FR: se vanter de ses bienfaits
[līolaē] (v) EN: care for ; pay attention to ; look after ; take interest in FR: porter attention à
[moēn] (v) EN: ignore ; pay no attention to ; overlook ; turn a blind eye to ; pass over ; disregard ; turn one's face FR: ignorer ; dédaigner ; se détourner
[namphā] (v) EN: mind ; pay attention to ; listen ; heed ; regard ; care FR: tenir compte de ; prendre en compte
[ngae rāi] (v) EN: pessimism ; inclination to expect the worst FR: pessimisme [ f ]
[nok jāk nī] (x) EN: besides ; other than ; except ; in addition to ; moreover ; furthermore ; beyond FR: à part ceci ; à part cela ; hormis ceci ; hormis cela ; en dehors de cela ; outre ceci
[nøk neūa pai jāk] (prep) EN: in addition to ; outside of ; apart from
[phak tøn thīeng theung bāi neung] (xp) EN: have a break at noon to 1 p.m.
[phengleng] (v) EN: have an eye on ; aim at ; concentrate on ; give particular attention to ; watch ; mark FR: viser ; scruter ; chercher à
[plǿikǿ] (v) EN: exile ; expel to the island ; exile to an island ; expatriate a person to live in an island ; have nothing to do with s.o. ; shanghai FR: exiler
[pluk hai khon sonjai reūang nan-nan] (xp) EN: call people's attention to sth.
[praē yatti] (v, exp) EN: amend ; amend a motion ; propose an amendment ; move to amend ; propose a motion to amend ; file a motion to amend ; change a proposal ; revise a proposal ; interpret a proposal
[rōinā] (v) EN: scatter over ; sprinkle on top
[sam-āng] (v) EN: pay much attention to one's appearance
[sangkhomsāt beūangton] (n, exp) EN: introduction to the social sciences
[sathānthī thǿngthīo] (n, exp) EN: tourist attraction FR: attraction touristique [ f ] ; site touristique [ m ]
[sīeng sāman] (n, exp) EN: middle tone ; common tone ; Tone 1 FR: ton normal [ m ] ; ton moyen [ m ] ; ton 1 [ m ]
[sīeng thammadā] (n, exp) EN: middle tone ; common tone ; Tone 1 (ling.) FR: ton normal [ m ] ; ton moyen [ m ] ; ton 1 [ m ] (ling.) ; voix normale [ f ]
[suanrūam nai] (x) EN: contribution to
[tangjai fang] (v, exp) EN: pay attention to ; listen to
[thap] (v) EN: lay on top (of) ; pile (up) ; be on top (of) ; overlay ; overlie ; lie on top of ; run over ; put on top ; cover ; overlap ; encroach upon FR: superposer
[thāp] (v) EN: bring against ; lay flat against ; lay side by side ; put alongside ; put on top of ; place on top of ; lay on top of ; overlay FR: accoler ; juxtaposer
[tit-tit] (adv) EN: closely ; one after another ; on top of one another
[yaēng] (v) EN: protest ; take exception to ; object to ; dispute ; counter ; conflict ; contradict ; oppose ; dissent ; disagree ; reject ; contrast ; be incompatible ; be contradictory ; be contrary FR: contredire ; réfuter