[baeng] (v) EN: divide ; separate ; allot ; allocate ; apportion ; share ; split ; distribute ; portion FR: diviser ; séparer ; allouer ; partager ; répartir ; assigner
[baengbao] (v) EN: ease ; lighten ; help ; relieve ; make things easier ; share FR: alléger
[baengbao phāra] (v, exp) EN: lighten the load ; share the work
[baeng ngān] (v, exp) EN: share the work ; divide up the work ; separate the tasks FR: répartir le travail
[baengpan] (v) EN: portion out ; distribute ; allot ; apportion ; parcel out ; share out ; divide FR: répartir ; partager
[baengpan] (v) EN: portion out ; distribute ; allot ; apportion ; parcel out ; share out ; divide
[baengsan] (v) EN: portion out ; distribute ; allot ; apportion ; parcel out ; share out ; divide
[baengsanpansuan] (v) EN: apportion ; share between/among ; share ; portion; allot ; distribute
[baihun] (n, exp) EN: share certificate
[bai theū hun] (n, exp) EN: share certificate
[chaē] (v) EN: share FR: partager
[chai ruam kan] (v, exp) EN: share
[chalīa] (v) EN: spread ; average ; distribute ; share ; distribute evenly ; divide equally ; balance out to ; make on average ; estimate an average ; go fifty-fifty FR: partager ; répartir
[chalīa khāchaijāi] (v, exp) EN: share the expenses
[datchanī hun] (n, exp) EN: share index
[datchanī rākhā hun] (n, exp) EN: share index
[hun] (n) EN: share ; stake ; part FR: action (boursière) [ f ] ; titre [ m ] ; part [ f ] ; participation [ f ]
[hunburimmasit] (n, exp) EN: preference shares ; preferred stock
[hun sāman] (n, exp) EN: common stock ; ordinary shares ; common shares ; equity shares
[hun thun] (n, exp) EN: equity share
[īo] (v) EN: share ; part ; interest FR: participation [ f ]
[īo lom] (n, exp) EN: free share ; complimentary share
[jaēk] (v) EN: separate ; divide ; apportion ; allot ; share out ; assign FR: partager ; répartir ; assigner ; allouer
[jaēk ngān hai thaokan] (v, exp) EN: share out the work
[jamnāi jāi jaēk] (v, exp) EN: distribute ; divide ; share ; give
[kamrai tø hun] (n, exp) EN: earnings per share
[kān ōn hun] (n, exp) EN: transfer of share
[kān prachum phūtheū hun] (n, exp) EN: shareholders' meeting ; shareholders meeting ; meeting of shareholders FR: réunion des actionnaires [ f ] ; réunion d'actionnaires [ f ]
[kān prachum wisāman phūtheū hun] (n, exp) EN: extraordinary general meeting ; extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
[khāniyom ruam] (n, exp) EN: shared values
[long-hun] (v) EN: take shares of a company ; form a partnership ; take a partnership interest ; invest with partners
[longkhan] (v) EN: contribute ; offer money ; take a share in the expenses ; chip in ; contribute to the pot ; take up a collection FR: cotiser ; contribuer ; participer
[mī ānākhēt tittø kap …] (v, exp) EN: share borders with FR: avoir une frontière commune avec ; être entouré par
[ngoenpanphon tø hun] (n, exp) EN: dividend per share FR: dividende par action [ m ]
[øk hun] (v, exp) EN: offer shares to the public
[pan] (v) EN: divide ; allocate ; distribute ; share FR: partager ; répartir ; distribuer
[pansuan = pansūan] (n) EN: ration ; share ; portion ; apportion FR: rationner
[phoēm thun] (v, exp) EN: increase the capital stock ; increase the share capital
[phūtheūhun] (n, exp) EN: shareholder FR: actionnaire [ m ] ; porteur (d'actions) [ m ]
[phūtheūhun rāi yai] (n, exp) EN: major shareholder FR: actionnaire majoritaire [ m ]
[phūtheūhun rāi yǿi] (n, exp) EN: minor shareholder FR: actionnaire minoritaire [ m ]
[ruamjai] (x) EN: come together ; be united in mind ; share a person's mind/views ; be unanimous in opinion/decision FR: de concert ; en accord
[sū] (v) EN: share ; partake ; distribute
[suan = sūan] (n) EN: portion ; share ; section ; part ; piece ; element FR: partie [ f ] ; section [ f ] ; élément [ m ] ; portion [ f ] ; part [ f ] ; côté [ m ] ; segment [ m ] ; domaine [ m ]
[suanbaeng] (n) EN: share ; portion ; part ; quota ; division FR: part [ f ] ; quota [ m ]
[suanbaeng møradok] (n, exp) EN: share of the inheritance FR: part d'héritage [ f ]
[suanbaeng nai talāt] (n, exp) EN: market share ; slice of the market FR: part de marché [ f ]
[suanchalīa] (n) EN: portion ; share ; proportion FR: moyenne [ f ]
[suankoēn mūnlakhā hun] (n, exp) EN: premium on share capital