[chaēk] (adj) EN: v-shaped ; serrated ; jagged ; forked ; pointed ; notched ; having sharp projections FR: pointu
[chaēk-chaēk] (adj) EN: v-shaped ; serrated ; jagged ; forked ; pointed ; having sharp projections
[kān dāi prīep] (n, exp) EN: having an advantage over ; being beneficial
[kān kōn phom] (n, exp) EN: hair-shaving
[kān mī] (n) EN: possess ; having FR: possession [ f ]
[khī-] (pref, (adj,, v)) EN: - (apt to, inclined to, prone to, addicted to, having a propensity for, leaning towards) FR: - (enclin à, sujet à ; qui a un penchant/une inclination pour, prompt à)
[khīkop] (n) EN: wood shavings ; plane shavings FR: copeaux [ mpl ]
[khrīm kōn nūat] (n, exp) EN: shaving cream FR: crème à raser [ f ]
[kon røn] (adj) EN: fidgety ; unable to sit still ; having ants in one’s pants
[krabøngphet] (n, exp) EN: club studded with diamonds usually having miraculous power
[krathāi] (x) EN: small basket ; small cylindrical basket having a wide mouth FR: petite corbeille en bambou tressé [ m ]
[linpī] (n) EN: Cupid's Shaving-brush
[naēn nā ok] (v, exp) EN: having tight chest FR: être oppressé ; avoir le coeur serré
[ngū-ngū plā-plā] (adv) EN: having a smattering of knowledge ; a little bit ; not much ; rudimentary
[pen nøng] (v, exp) EN: having a boil ; suppurate ; fester FR: avoir un furoncle ; suppurer
[pen paomāi] (v, exp) EN: setting their sights on ; having as a goal FR: avoir pour but
[praēng kōn nūat] (n) EN: shaving brush FR: blaireau [ m ]
[sangwāt] (n) EN: intercourse ; having sex ; copulation
[sanom] (n) EN: lady of the court ; member of the harem ; concubine of the king ; mistress of the king ; male palace servants (especially those having charge of the paraphernalia used in cremations) FR: femme de harem [ f ]
[sapsøn] (adj) EN: sophisticated ; complex ; intricate ; having layer upon layer of FR: compliqué ; sophistiqué ; élaboré ; complexe
[søngjai] (adj) EN: having two lovers at the same time FR: infidèle
[tī tūa yeūn] (v, exp) EN: stand instead of having a ticket
[wan kōn] (n, exp) EN: head-shaving day ; tonsure day ; the day before the new moon/full moon FR: jour de la tonsure [ m ]