[batphlī] (n, exp) EN: offerings for the spirit of the dead person ; offerings to deities
[binthabāt] (n) EN: food offerings to a monk
[binthabāt] (v) EN: go about with a bowl to receive food ; ask for as a gift ; beg alms ; receive food offerings FR: demander l'aumône
[chak yai] (v, exp) EN: manipulate behind the scene ; pull the strings behind the scene FR: tirer les ficelles
[hīa] (n) EN: damn ; goddamn ; bad person ; bad guy ; great villain ; jinx ; scoundrel ; person who brings bad luck, ; thoroughly bad character FR: vilaine personne [ f ] ; scélérat [ m ] ; fripouille [ f ] ; personne qui porte la guigne [ f ]
[kathin] (n) EN: kathin ; kathin offerings ; gift of robes ; kathina
[khot] (n) EN: [ classifier : coils of something (wire, rope ...), rings ] FR: [ classificateur : rouleaux (fil métallique, corde ...) ]
[khwan] (v) EN: girdle ; make a ring around ; cut into rings
[kom nā thon thuk] (v, exp) EN: resign oneself to sufferings
[krūay] (n) EN: funnel ; cone ; covered receptacle for offerings FR: cône [ m ] ; cornet [ m ] ; entonnoir [ m ]
[sai bāt] (v, exp) EN: offer food to monks ; put food offerings in a Buddhist monk's alms bowl FR: donner l'aumône matinal
[sakkārabūchā] (v) EN: worship (with offerings) ; pay homage (with offerings) FR: vénérer par des offrandes
[sangwoēi] (v) EN: offer sacrifice to spirits ; make a votive offering to spirits ; propitiate by sacrifice or offerings FR: faire une offrande
[sāra thuk suk dip] (n, exp) EN: all happiness and sufferings ; joys and sufferings ; ups and downs FR: les joies et les peines
[sen] (v) EN: make offerings ; worship ; sacrifice to the spirits ; propitiate the spirits by a sacrifice/offerings of food
[sen] (v) EN: make offerings to the spirits ; propitiate the spirits (by a sacrifice or offerings of food) ; worship FR: honorer les esprits ; sacrifier aux génies ; offrir
[sen phī] (v, exp) EN: propitiate the spirits make offerings to the spirits ; sacrifice to the spirits
[senwāi] (v) EN: make offerings to the spirits ; propitiate the spirits ; make sacrifice to the spirits FR: honorer les esprits
[sø sām sāi] (n, exp) EN: traditional fiddle with three strings FR: violon traditionnel à trois cordes [ m ]
[takbāt] (v) EN: give food offerings to a Buddhist monk ; put food offerings into a Buddhist monk's bowl ; give alms to a Buddhist monk ; put food in the bowls of Buddhist priests in the morning
[titkanthēt] (v) EN: present the preaching Buddhist monk with offerings
[tumhū] (n) EN: earbobs ; earrings FR: boucle d'oreille [ f ]
[wak] (v) EN: make propitiary offerings to spirits
[wong] (n) EN: [ classifier : rings, bracelets ; circles ] FR: [ classificateur : bagues, bracelets ; cercles ]