v. t. To bend forward. [ R. ] Owen. [ 1913 Webster ]
A controversy (1886 -- 93) between Great Britain and the United States as to the right of Canadians not licensed by the United States to carry on seal fishing in the Bering Sea, over which the United States claimed jurisdiction as a mare clausum. A court of arbitration, meeting in Paris in 1893, decided against the claim of the United States, but established regulations for the preservation of the fur seal. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
The temple of Janus, with his two controversal faces. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Controversial. [ Obs. ] Bp. Hall. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. controverse. ] Controversy. [ Obs. ] Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. [ L. controversari, fr. controversus turned against, disputed. ] To dispute; to controvert. [ Obs. ] “Controversed causes.” Hooker. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. A disputant. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ Cf. LL. controversialis. ] Relating to, or consisting of, controversy; disputatious; polemical;
[ 1913 Webster ]
Whole libraries of controversial books. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. One who carries on a controversy; a disputant. [ 1913 Webster ]
He [ Johnson ] was both intellectually and morally of the stuff of which controversialists are made. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]
adv. In a controversial manner. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. Act of controverting; controversy. [ Obs. ] Hooker. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. A controverser. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
This left no room for controversy about the title. Locke. [ 1913 Webster ]
A dispute is commonly oral, and a controversy in writing. Johnson. [ 1913 Webster ]
The Lord hath a controversy with the nations. Jer. xxv. 31. [ 1913 Webster ]
When any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment. 2 Sam. xv. 2.
v. t.
Some controverted points had decided according to the sense of the best jurists. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. One who controverts; a controversial writer; a controversialist. [ 1913 Webster ]
Some controverters in divinity are like swaggerers in a tavern. B. Jonson. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Capable of being controverted; disputable; admitting of question. --
n. One skilled in or given to controversy; a controversialist. [ 1913 Webster ]
How unfriendly is the controvertist to the discernment of the critic! Campbell. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ See Extrorse. ]
n. (Psychol.) A person who is extroverted; a person who is marked by an interest in others or concerned primarily with external reality. Contrasted with
a. [ Gastro- + -vascular. ] (Zool.) Having the structure, or performing the functions, both of digestive and circulatory organs;
n. The state or condition of being incontrovertible. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Not controvertible; too clear or certain to admit of dispute; indisputable. Sir T. Browne. --
a. [ L. introveniens, p. pr. of introvenire to come in; intro within + venire to come. ] Coming in together; entering; commingling. [ R. ] Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ See Introvert. ] The act of introverting, or the state of being introverted; the act of turning the mind inward. Berkeley. [ 1913 Webster ]
adj. (Psychol.) directed inward; marked by interest in oneself or concerned with inner feelings. Contrasted with
v. t.
adj. somewhat introverted.
adj. same as introverted, 2.
n. (Med.) The inoculation of a cow with human vaccine virus. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. rétroversion. See Retrovert. ] A turning or bending backward; also, the state of being turned or bent backward; displacement backwards;
☞ In retroversion the bending is gradual or curved; in retroflexion it is abrupt or angular. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
a. In a state of retroversion. [ 1913 Webster ]
imp. of Strive. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ Tartro- + vinic. ] (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a certain acid composed of tartaric acid in combination with ethyl, and now called ethyltartaric acid. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Treasure + OF. trové, F. trouvé, p. p. of OF. trover to find, F. trouver. See Trover. ] (Common Law) Any money, bullion, or the like, found in the earth, or otherwise hidden, the owner of which is not known. In England such treasure belongs to the crown; whereas similar treasure found in the sea, or upon the surface of the land, belongs to the finder if no owner appears. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ OF. trover, truver, to find, F. trouver; probably originally, to invent or compose (melodies), fr. (assumed) LL. tropare. See Troubadour, Trope, and cf. Contrive, Reirieve, Trouveur. ] (Law)
a. Not involving controversy. [ Obs. ] Bp. Hall. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Incontrovertible. [ 1913 Webster ]
adv. Incontrovertibly. [ 1913 Webster ]