[府, fǔ, ㄈㄨˇ]seat of government; government repository (archive); official residence; mansion; presidential palace; (honorific) Your home; prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)#3434[Add to Longdo]
[光顾 / 光顧, guāng gù, ㄍㄨㄤ ㄍㄨˋ]welcome (honorific term used by shopkeeper to clients); Thank you for patronizing my humble establishment.#13406[Add to Longdo]
[千金, qiān jīn, ㄑㄧㄢ ㄐㄧㄣ]thousand jin 斤 (pounds) of gold; money and riches; (honorific) invaluable (support); (honorific) your daughter#18555[Add to Longdo]
[杏林, xìng lín, ㄒㄧㄥˋ ㄌㄧㄣˊ]forest of apricot trees; fig. honorific term for fine doctor (cf Dr Dong Feng 董奉, 3rd century AD, asked his patients to plant apricot trees instead of paying fees); Xinglin district of Xiamen city (renamed Haicang 海沧区 in 2003)#292674[Add to Longdo]
[敬悉, jìng xī, ㄐㄧㄥˋ ㄒㄧ](honorific) revered news; the most valuable information (in your recent letter, book etc); Thank you for your letter.[Add to Longdo]
[虎父无犬子 / 虎父無犬子, hǔ fù wú quǎn zǐ, ㄏㄨˇ ㄈㄨˋ ㄨˊ ㄑㄩㄢˇ ㄗˇ]lit. father a lion, son cannot be a dog (honorific); With a distinguished father such as you, the son is sure to do well.; like father, like son[Add to Longdo]
[reru ; rareru](aux-v, v1) (1) (れる for 五段 verbs, られる for 一段. Follows the imperfective form of (v5) and (vs) verbs) (See 未然形, 迷惑の受身・めいわくのうけみ) indicates passive voice (inc. the "suffering passive"); (2) (no imperative form. Infrequently used in modern Japanese, e.g. 歩ける is favoured over 歩かれる) (See ら抜き言葉・らぬきことば) indicates the potential form; (3) (no imperative form) indicates spontaneous occurrence; (4) (hon) (no imperative form) used as an honorific for others' actions#41[Add to Longdo]
[seru ; saseru](aux-v, v1) (1) (せる is for 五段 verbs, させる for 一段; follows the imperfective form of (v5) and (vs) verbs; senses 1-3 of せる are sometimes abbreviated as 〜す) auxiliary verb indicating the causative; (2) (hum) (usu. as 〜(さ)せてもらう, 〜(さ)せていただく, etc.) auxiliary verb indicating that one has been granted the permission to do something; (3) auxiliary verb used to make verbs more "active"; (4) (hon) (as 〜(さ)せられる, 〜あら(さ)せられる, 〜(さ)せ給う, etc.) auxiliary verb used as an extreme honorific for others' actions#540[Add to Longdo]
[にい, nii](n-suf) (1) (fam) used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure; (n) (2) (See お兄さん) used with various honorifics to mean (older) brother#1902[Add to Longdo]
[ねえ, nee](n-suf) (1) (fam) (See 兄・にい) used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure; (n) (2) (See お姉さん) used with various honorifics to mean (older) sister#2721[Add to Longdo]
[そん, son](n) (1) zun (ancient Chinese wine vessel, usu. made of bronze); (pref) (2) (arch) (hon) honorific prefix referring to the listener; (suf, ctr) (3) counter for buddhas#4481[Add to Longdo]
[おまえ(P);おまい;おめえ, omae (P); omai ; omee](pn, adj-no) (1) (fam) (male) you (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior); (2) (おまえ only) presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.); (P)#7190[Add to Longdo]
[sasu](v5s, vt) (1) (See 為せる・1) to make (someone) do; (2) (See 為せる・2) to allow (someone) to; (aux-v, v5s) (3) auxiliary verb indicating the causative; (4) auxiliary verb indicating that one has been granted the permission to do something; (5) auxiliary verb used to make verbs more "active"; (6) auxiliary verb used as an extreme honorific for others' actions; (n) (7) (arch) swidden#14090[Add to Longdo]
[おしるし, oshirushi](n) (1) (uk) (See 破水) a show; blood-stained mucus discharge that happens during pregnancy up to two weeks before delivery; (2) signature mark (crest) used by members of the Imperial family to mark their belongings; (3) (See しるし・1) a sign (with honorific 'o')[Add to Longdo]
[serareru](v1, aux-v) (1) (hon) verb used as an honorific for others' actions; (aux-v, v1) (2) (hon) (See せる・4) auxiliary verb used as an extreme honorific for others' actions[Add to Longdo]
[ninaru](suf) (1) becomes; will become; turns out; (2) (with "o" and masu-stem of verb) grammatical form creating an honorific verbal expression; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[よびすてにする, yobisutenisuru](exp, vs-i) to call address someone without using an honorific title; to use someone's name without an honorific title[Add to Longdo]
[めされる, mesareru](v1, vt) (1) (hon) to do; (2) to eat; to drink; (3) to put on; to wear; (4) to buy; (5) to ride; (6) to catch (a cold); to take (a bath); to tickle (one's fancy); to put on (years); to commit (seppuku); (suf, v1) (7) (arch) (hon) honorific suffix used after the -masu stem of a verb[Add to Longdo]
[めす, mesu](v5s, vt) (1) (hon) to call; to invite; to send for; to summon; (2) to eat; to drink; (3) to put on; to wear; (4) to ride; (5) to catch (a cold); to take (a bath); to tickle (one's fancy); to put on (years); to commit (seppuku); (6) (See 召される・1) to do; (7) (arch) honorific suffix used after the -masu stem of a verb; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[とうさん, tousan](n, n-suf) (1) (hon) (See お嬢さん・1) daughter (may be used a honorific after name); (2) (See お嬢さん・2) young lady (esp. of respectable upbringing) (may be used a honorific after name)[Add to Longdo]
[にじゅうけいご, nijuukeigo](n) redundant keigo (i.e. improper use of the -rareru honorific form together with an honorific verb such as ossharu)[Add to Longdo]
[じいさん, jiisan](n) (1) (usu. 祖父さん) (See お祖父さん) grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); (2) (usu. 爺さん) male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific); (P)[Add to Longdo]
[じいちゃん, jiichan](n) (1) (fam) (usu. 祖父ちゃん) (See 祖父さん) grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); (2) (usu. 爺ちゃん) male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)[Add to Longdo]
[あらせられる, araserareru](v1, vi) (1) (uk) (hon) (See 在る・ある・1, 居る・いる・1, 居る・おる・1) to be; to exist; (2) (uk) (hon) (as であらせられる) (See である) to be (honorific copula)[Add to Longdo]
[さまさま, samasama](suf) (1) our gracious (Queen); honorific that attaches to name of a person or thing that has bestowed grace or favour upon you; (n) (2) agreeable condition[Add to Longdo]