[damrong thāna] (v, exp) EN: maintain one's status ; sustain ; hold ; bear ; lead
[hūanønplāitīn] (n) EN: background ; origin ; family and status ; antecedents ; person's back ground
[khreūangmāi] (n) EN: mark ; symbol ; sign ; punctuation ; status symbol ; emblem ; token ; insignia ; seal ; stamp ; marker FR: marque [ f ] ; symbole [ m ] ; signe [ m ] ; emblème [ m ] ; signe de ponctuation [ m ] ; point [ m ]
[leūmtā ā pāk] (v, exp) EN: get better in financial status ; be getting along financially be doing all right financially ; come up in the world ; stand on one's own feet
[mai som thāna] (v, exp) EN: be out of keeping with one's status ; be incompatible with one's status ; be infra dig
[nāi] (n) EN: [ classifier : higher-status, respectable male persons ] FR: [ classificateur : dignitaires masculins ; personnes (m.) qui ont un statut élevé ]
[nitiphawa] (n) EN: majority ; maturity ; sui juris status ; sui juris ; legal age ; legal capacity FR: majorité [ f ] ; âge légal [ m ]
[phāwa] (n) EN: condition ; state ; position ; circumstances ; status FR: condition [ f ] ; état [ m ] ; effet [ m ]
[phūm] (n) EN: status ; level ; qualifications ; grade FR: classe [ f ]
[pradap bāramī] (v, exp) EN: enhance one's status ; embellish one's status
[sak] (n) EN: rank ; status ; position FR: rang [ m ] ; statut [ m ]
[sakdinā] (n) EN: dignity expressed in area of land entitlement ; status in terms of land ; right to the possession of farmland
[sathān] (n) EN: way ; aspect ; status
[sathāna] (n) EN: state ; condition ; situation ; status FR: état [ m ] ; condition [ f ]
[sathāna doēm] (n, exp) EN: status quo ante
[sathānnaphāp] (n) EN: status ; condition FR: statut [ m ] ; condition [ f ]
[sathānnaphāp kān thamngān] (n, exp) EN: work status
[sathānnaphāp patjuban] (n, exp) EN: status quo
[sathānnaphāp somrot] (n, exp) EN: marriage status
[sathānnaphāp thāng kānseuksā] (n, exp) EN: educational status
[sathānnaphāp thāng kotmāi] (n, exp) EN: legal status
[sathānnaphāp thāng sangkhom] (n, exp) EN: social status FR: statut social [ m ]
[som thāna] (x) EN: as befits one's status/position/place
[tām thāna] (adv) EN: according to one's economic capacity ; according to one's status ; in accordance with one's means ; befittingly FR: selon son rang ; selon ses moyens
[tang-lak] (v) EN: establish oneself ; build up one's status
[thāna] (n) EN: status ; condition ; position ; place ; station ; standing FR: statut [ m ] ; position [ f ] ; situation [ f ] ; condition [ f ] ; standing [ m ]
[thāna thāng kānngoen] (n, exp) EN: financial status FR: statut financier [ m ]
[thāna thāng sangkhom] (n, exp) EN: social position ; social status FR: position sociale [ f ] ; statut social [ m ]
[yok thāna] (v, exp) EN: promote ; raise one's position ; raise one's status FR: être promu ; élever son statut
[yot sak] (n, exp) EN: rank ; title ; status ; prestige ; splendour ; station ; position ; distinction ; nobility ; class ; caste ; dignity