[bāisī] (n) EN: rice offering ; offering of cooked rice under a conical arrangement of folded leaves and flowers
[banchī phī] (n, exp) EN: phoney account ; phoney list ; cooked account
[chūchī] (n) EN: king of curry cooked with fried fish or pork served with a spicy sauce FR: poisson frit pimenté [ m ]
[dip] (adj) EN: uncooked ; raw ; half-cooked FR: cru
[hung] (v) EN: cook ; boil ; prepare food FR: cuire à l'eau ; cuisiner ; faire la cuisine ; préparer un plat ; fricoter (fam.)
[hung āhān] (v, exp) EN: cook ; prepare food FR: cuisiner ; préparer un repas
[hung khāo] (v, exp) EN: cook rice ; boil rice ; prepare meals FR: cuire le riz ; préparer le repas
[hungtom] (v) EN: cook FR: cuisiner
[kaēt = kaēs] (n) EN: cooking gaz FR: gaz [ m ]
[kaēt hungtom] (n, exp) EN: cooking gaz FR: gaz [ m ] ; butane [ m ]
[kān prakøp āhān] (n, exp) EN: cooking
[khāoman] (n) EN: rice cooked in coconut milk ; oily rice FR: riz onctueux [ m ]
[khāoman kai] (xp) EN: chicken with rice cooked in chicken broth ; rice steamed with chicken soup FR: poule au riz [ f ]
[khāoman somtam] (xp) EN: rice cooked in coconut milk and eaten with spicy papaya salad
[khāomok kai] (xp) EN: rice cooked with chicken ; spiced rice steamed with chicken
[khāosūay] (n, exp) EN: cooked rice FR: riz nature [ m ] ; riz cuit [ m ]
[khāo suk] (n, exp) EN: cooked rice FR: riz cuit [ m ]
[khāotāk] (n) EN: dried cooked rice
[khīo] (v) EN: simmer ; boil ; cook FR: mijoter ; mitonner
[khon tham āhān] (n, exp) EN: female cook FR: cuisinière [ f ]
[khon tham khrūa] (n) EN: cook FR: cuisinier [ m ]
[khreūang hungtom] (n, exp) EN: cooking utensils FR: ustensile de cuisine [ m ]
[khukkī] (n) EN: cookie FR: cookie [ m ]
[krajok hung] (n, exp) EN: rectangular bits of cooked glass for decoration
[kratip] (n) EN: bamboo container for holding cooked glutinous rice FR: récipient en bambou destiné à contenir du riz glutineux
[kuk] (n) EN: cook ; chef FR: chef [ m ] ; chef de cuisine [ m ] ; chef cuisinier [ m ]
[lām] (v) EN: cook something in bamboo joints
[maēkhrūa] (n) EN: female cook ; female chef ; cook FR: cuisinière [ f ] ; cuistote [ f ] (fam.)
[mø hung khāo] (n, exp) EN: rice cooker FR: cuiseur à riz [ m ]
[mø hung khāo faifā] (n, exp) EN: electric rice cooker FR: cuiseur à riz électrique [ m ]
[nāmman samrap phat] (n, exp) EN: cooking oil for frying
[nāmman samrap thøt] (n, exp) EN: cooking oil ; frying oil FR: huile de friture [ f ]
[neūa suk] (n, exp) EN: cooked meat FR: viande cuite [ f ]
[phøkhrūa] (n, exp) EN: master of the kitchen ; cook ; chef ; chef de cuisine FR: cuisinier [ m ] ; chef [ m ] ; cuistot [ m ] (fam.)
[prakøp āhān] (v, exp) EN: cook ; prepare food ; make food
[prung] (v) EN: cook ; mix ; blend ; concoct ; prepare ; combine ; compound ; dress FR: cuisiner ; concocter ; préparer ; mixer ; composer
[prung āhān] (v) EN: cook ; prepare food ; make a dish ; combine FR: cuisiner ; concocter un plat ; préparer un plat
[pūjā] (n) EN: Thai dish made of blue crab whose meat is cooked in its own shell ; deep-fried crab meat and minced pork in crab shell FR: crabe farci [ m ]
[ra-u] (adj) EN: well-cooked ; very warm FR: bien cuit ; très chaud
[rūan] (v) EN: cook meat ; fry meat FR: frire la viande
[sāmsao] (n) EN: three-legged cooking stand
[sēksan] (v) EN: invent ; make up ; concoct ; rig ; fabricate ; cook up ; trump up
[suk] (adj) EN: cooked ; boiled FR: cuit
[suk-suk dip-dip] (adj) EN: half-cooked ; medium ; half-done FR: saignant
[taofai] (n) EN: stove ; oven ; cooking stove FR: four [ m ] ; brasero [ m ] ; fourneau [ m ] ; foyer [ m ]
[tao faifā] (n) EN: electric stove ; electric cooker FR: four électrique [ m ]
[tao hungtom] (n, exp) EN: cooking range ; stove
[tao-op] (n) EN: oven ; cooking oven ; range FR: four [ m ]