[chai dūaykan dāi] (adj) EN: compatible FR: compatible
[kān chai dūaykan dāi] (n, exp) EN: compatibility
[khamin kap pūn] (xp) EN: be incompatible as curcuma and lime ; be incompatible as water and fire
[khaokan] (v) EN: conform ; correspond ; match FR: être compatible ; être concordant ; être conforme
[khaokan dāi] (v, exp) EN: be compatible ; be in harmony
[khaokan dāi] (adj) EN: compatible FR: compatible
[khaokan mai dāi] (adj) EN: incompatible FR: incompatible
[khat kap] (adj) EN: incompatible ; contrary to
[khwām khaokan dāi] (n, exp) EN: compatibility FR: compatibilité [ f ]
[khwām khaokan mai dāi] (n, exp) EN: incompatibility FR: incompatibilité [ f ]
[khwām mī laksana thī khat kan] (n, exp) EN: incompatibility
[khwāmsāmāt khaokan dāi] (n, exp) EN: compatibility
[khwām søtkhløng kan] (n, exp) EN: concordance ; congruence ; coherence ; compatibility FR: concordance [ f ]
[kīeng] (v) EN: haggle ; contend ; dispute ; be too mindful ; dispute ; counterpurpose ; take advantage ; be incompatible FR: chicaner ; marchander ; ergoter ; lésiner
[laklan] (adj) EN: unsystematic ; not in proper order ; inconsistent ; overlapping ; incorrect ; incompatible ; mismatched ; incongruous ; ill-fitting ; skewed
[longrøi] (v) EN: get along with ; get on well together ; be on good terms with someone ; be compatible ; come to terms ; agree ; get on well together FR: être en bons termes (avec qqn) ; être en accord (avec)
[mai som thāna] (v, exp) EN: be out of keeping with one's status ; be incompatible with one's status ; be infra dig
[mǿ kap] (v, exp) EN: be appropriate ; proper ; be compatible with
[prasān kan] (v, exp) EN: harmonize ; be in harmony with ; be harmonious ; be well compatible ; be well-matched
[thīep kan mai dāi] (adj) EN: incomparable ; incompatible
[thūkchatā] (adv) EN: compatibly
[thūkkan] (v) EN: be compatible
[yaēng] (v) EN: protest ; take exception to ; object to ; dispute ; counter ; conflict ; contradict ; oppose ; dissent ; disagree ; reject ; contrast ; be incompatible ; be contradictory ; be contrary FR: contredire ; réfuter