n. [ Prob. from native name: cf. Sp. papion. ] (Zool.) A West African baboon (Cynocephalus sphinx), allied to the chacma. Its color is generally chestnut, varying in tint. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ F. nation, L. natio nation, race, orig., a being born, fr. natus, p. p. of nasci, to be born, for gnatus, gnasci, from the same root as E. kin. √44. See Kin kindred, and cf. Cognate, Natal, Native. ]
All nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues. Rev. vii. 9. [ 1913 Webster ]
A nation is the unity of a people. Coleridge. [ 1913 Webster ]
Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. F. S. Key. [ 1913 Webster ]
Five nations.
Law of nations.
a. [ Cf. F. national. ]
National anthem,
National bank,
National flag.
National guard,
National salute,
n. same as nationalization. [ Chiefly Brit. ] [ WordNet 1.5 ]
The fulfillment of his mission is to be looked for in the condition of nationalities and the character of peoples. H. W. Beecher. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. The act of nationalizing, or the state of being nationalized. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
n. [ F. nation, L. natio nation, race, orig., a being born, fr. natus, p. p. of nasci, to be born, for gnatus, gnasci, from the same root as E. kin. √44. See Kin kindred, and cf. Cognate, Natal, Native. ]
All nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues. Rev. vii. 9. [ 1913 Webster ]
A nation is the unity of a people. Coleridge. [ 1913 Webster ]
Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. F. S. Key. [ 1913 Webster ]
Five nations.
Law of nations.
a. [ Cf. F. national. ]
National anthem,
National bank,
National flag.
National guard,
National salute,
n. same as nationalization. [ Chiefly Brit. ] [ WordNet 1.5 ]
The fulfillment of his mission is to be looked for in the condition of nationalities and the character of peoples. H. W. Beecher. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. The act of nationalizing, or the state of being nationalized. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.