a. 1. Acting contrary to the standard of right; not animated or controlled by justice; false; dishonest; as, an unjust man or judge. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. Contrary to justice and right; prompted by a spirit of injustice; wrongful; as, an unjust sentence; an unjust demand; an unjust accusation. [ 1913 Webster ]
-- Un*just"ly, adv. -- Un*just"ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. 1. Acting contrary to the standard of right; not animated or controlled by justice; false; dishonest; as, an unjust man or judge. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. Contrary to justice and right; prompted by a spirit of injustice; wrongful; as, an unjust sentence; an unjust demand; an unjust accusation. [ 1913 Webster ]
-- Un*just"ly, adv. -- Un*just"ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]
(n)misery from bad deeds, See Also:unjust deed, Syn.กรรมหนัก, Example:กิเลสเป็นเหตุให้เกิดวิบากกรรมอย่างไม่จบไม่สิ้น, Thai Definition:ความลำบากทุกข์ยากจากผลกรรมที่ทำไว้
[かっしてもとうせんのみずをのまず, kasshitemotousennomizuwonomazu](exp) Even if thirsty not to drink from "Robber's Spring"; A proverb meaning not to lower oneself to unjust acts no matter how desperate; (English equivalent) The eagle does not hunt flies[Add to Longdo]