v. t. To cover with snow, or as with snow. [ Poetic ] Shak. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
The northern nations overflowed all Christendom. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i.
Overflow meeting,
n. An overflow; that which overflows; exuberance; copiousness. [ 1913 Webster ]
He was ready to bestow the overflowings of his full mind on anybody who would start a subject. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]
adv. In great abundance; exuberantly. Boyle. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
The northern nations overflowed all Christendom. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i.
Overflow meeting,
n. An overflow; that which overflows; exuberance; copiousness. [ 1913 Webster ]
He was ready to bestow the overflowings of his full mind on anybody who would start a subject. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ]
adv. In great abundance; exuberantly. Boyle. [ 1913 Webster ]