a. [ OE. left, lift, luft; akin to Fries. leeft, OD. lucht, luft; cf. AS. left (equiv. to L. inanis), lyftādl palsy; or cf. AS. lēf weak. ]
Left bank of a river,
Left bower.
Left center,
Over the left shoulder,
Over the left
Put that rose a little more to the left. Ld. Lytton. [ 1913 Webster ]
imp. & p. p. of Leave. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. The left cerebral hemisphere of the brain; in humans, it controls motor activity on the right side of the body, and in most people is the primary location for control of language, logic, and mathematical thought. [ PJC ]
a. Of or pertaining to the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain. [ PJC ]
a. Exhibiting intellectual or personality characteristics suggesting dominance of linguistic or logical modes of thought, which are usually controlled by the left cerebral hemisphere;
a. Situated on the left; nearer the left hand than the right;
Left-hand rope,
The commendations of this people are not always left-handed and detractive. Landor. [ 1913 Webster ]
Left-handed marriage,
Left-handed screw,