[mai naējai] (v, exp) EN: be not sure ; be not assured ; be uncertain ; be not convincedFR: ne pas être sûr ; douter ; ne pas être convaincu ; être incertain ; être indécis
[manjai] (v) EN: be confident ; be certain ; believe firmly ; be convinced ; be full of confidence ; be assured of;FR: être sûr (de soi) ; être persuadé ; être convaincu ; être confiant ; croire fermement
[prajak] (v) EN: be evident ; be certain ; be convinced ; be obvious ; be clear ; realizeFR: être sûr ; être évident ; être clair ; s'avérer ; être avéré
[waijai] (v, exp) EN: trust ; have confidence ; have faith (in s.o.) ; believe in ; confide in ; rely ; entrust ; be convincedFR: faire confiance ; avoir confinace ; se fier à ; avoir foi (en qqn)
[折, zhé, ㄓㄜˊ]to break; to fracture; to snap; to suffer loss; to bend; to twist; to turn; to change direction; convinced; to convert into (currency); discount; rebate; tenth (in price); classifier for theatrical scenes; to fold; accounts book#2040[Add to Longdo]
[不服, bù fú, ㄅㄨˋ ㄈㄨˊ]not accept sth; want to have sth overruled or changed; refuse to obey or comply; refuse to accept as final; remain unconvinced by; not give in to#9131[Add to Longdo]
[心服口服, xīn fú kǒu fú, ㄒㄧㄣ ㄈㄨˊ ㄎㄡˇ ㄈㄨˊ]lit. convinced in heart and by word (成语 saw); sincerely convinced and ready to concede; to convince; to get one's message across#34200[Add to Longdo]
[不见棺材不落泪 / 不見棺材不落淚, bù jiàn guān cái bù luò lèi, ㄅㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄘㄞˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄟˋ]fig. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin (成语 saw); lit. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality#125975[Add to Longdo]
[おもいこむ, omoikomu](v5m, vi) to be under impression that; to be convinced that; to imagine that; to set one's heart on; to be bent on; (P)[Add to Longdo]