conj. [ L., abl. of qui who. ] In so far as; in the capacity or character of; as. [ 1913 Webster ]
It is with Shelley's biographers qua biographers that we have to deal. London Spectator. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. D. kwab eelpout, Dan. quabbe, G. quabbe, quappe, LG. quabbe a fat lump of flesh, and L. capito a kind of fish with a large head, fr. caput the head, also E. squab. ] An unfledged bird; hence, something immature or unfinished. Ford. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i. See Quob, v. i. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Zool.) The American night heron. See under Night. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Zool.) The quagga. [ 1913 Webster ]
Quacks political; quacks scientific, academical. Carlyle. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Pertaining to or characterized by, boasting and pretension; used by quacks; pretending to cure diseases;
v. i.
(Bot.) See Quitch grass. [ 1913 Webster ]