[ For ne at. ] Not at; nor at. [ Obs. ] haucer. [ 1913 Webster ]
adv. Not. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. natalis, fr. natus, p. p. of nasci to be born: cf. F. natal. See Nation, and cf. Noel. ]
Princes' children took names from their natal places. Camden. [ 1913 Webster ]
Propitious star, whose sacred power
Presided o'er the monarch's natal hour. Prior. [ 1913 Webster ]
(Med.) same as Aleppo boil. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ From Natal aloes. ] (Chem.) A bitter crystalline substance constituting the essential principle of Natal aloes. Cf. Aloon. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. pl. One's birth, or the circumstances attending it. [ Obs. ] Fitz-Geffry. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. natans, -antis, from swim, v. intens. fr. nare to swim: cf. F. natant. ]
adv. In a floating manner; swimmingly. [ 1913 Webster ]