[āyat rākhā] (v, exp) EN: freeze prices FR: geler les prix
[kān kheun rākhā] (n, exp) EN: increasing ; raising the price ; mark-up ; increase in prices FR: hausse des prix [ f ]
[kān prap rākhā] (n, exp) EN: adjustment of prices
[kān prap rākhā kheun] (n, exp) EN: increase in prices
[kheun rākhā] (v, exp) EN: increase the price ; raise the price ; go up in price ; raise prices FR: augmenter le prix
[khūapkhum rākhā] (v, exp) EN: control prices FR: contrôler les prix
[khwām khleūoenwai khøng rākhā] (n, exp) EN: movement in prices FR: mouvement des prix [ m ]
[khwāpkhum rākhā] (v, exp) EN: control the prices
[kot rākhā] (v, exp) EN: lower the price ; bring down prices ; underprice ; reduce price ; force the price down ; undersell FR: baisser le prix
[ngoenfoē] (n) EN: inflation ; rising prices FR: inflation [ f ] ; hausse des prix [ f ]
[phayung rākhā] (v, exp) EN: support prices
[rākhā khongthī] (n, exp) EN: stable prices
[søp rākhā] (v, exp) EN: compare prices ; check prices ; ask for quotations
[tat rākhā] (v, exp) EN: cut prices ; lower the price FR: baisser les prix ; casser les prix
[thīep rākhā] (v, exp) EN: compare prices FR: comparer les prix
[treung rakhā wai] (v, exp) EN: freeze the prices FR: geler les prix