n. [ Indian, literally, a mixture. ] Prepared leaves or bark of certain plants; -- used by the Indians of the Northwest for smoking, either mixed with tobacco or as a substitute for it. Also, a plant so used, as the osier cornel (Cornus stolonijra), and the bearberry (Arctostaphylus Uva-ursi).
n. See Lansquenet. [ 1913 Webster ]
adj. having skin of a light colored hue. [ Narrower terms:
n. Quality of being skinny. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Consisting, or chiefly consisting, of skin; wanting flesh. “Her skinny lips.” Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
He holds him with a skinny hand. Coleridge. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Having a thick skin; hence, not sensitive; dull; obtuse. Holland. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Having a thin skin; hence, sensitive; irritable. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ 1st pref. un- + foreskin + -ed. ] Deprived of the foreskin; circumcised. [ R. ] Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]