n. (Mech.) Same as Trammel, n., 6. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ Sp. trama weft, or F. trame. ] A silk thread formed of two or more threads twisted together, used especially for the weft, or cross threads, of the best quality of velvets and silk goods. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
n. [ Prov. E. tram a coal wagon, the shaft of a cart or carriage, a beam or bar; probably of Scand, origin; cf. OSw. tråm, trum, a beam, OD. drom, Prov. & OHG. tram. ]
Tram car,
Tram plate,
Tram pot (Milling),
v. i. To operate, or conduct the business of, a tramway; to travel by tramway. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
‖n. [ L., woof. ] (Bot.) The loosely woven substance which lines the chambers within the gleba in certain
v. t. (Mining) To wash, as tin ore, with a shovel in a frame fitted for the purpose. Smart. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ F. tramail, trémail, a net, LL. tremaculum, tremacle, a kind of net for taking fish; L. tres three + macula a mesh. See Three, and Mail armor. ]
[ They ] disdain the trammels of any sordid contract. Jeffrey. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
a. (Man.) Having blazes, or white marks, on the fore and hind foot of one side, as if marked by trammels; -- said of a horse.