n. [ Icel. skjōl a shelter, a cover; akin to Dan. & Sw. skjul. ] A hut or small cottage in an exposed or a retired place (as on a mountain or at the seaside) such as is used by shepherds, fishermen, sportsmen, etc.; a summer cottage; also, a shed.
n. (Zool.) Same as Sheelfa. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. Brightness; splendor; glitter. “Throned in celestial sheen.” Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ OE. sehene, AS. sciéne, sc&unr_;ne, sc&unr_;ne, splendid, beautiful; akin to OFries. sk&unr_;ne, sk&unr_;ne, OS. sc&unr_;ni, D. schoon, G. schön, OHG. sc&unr_;ni, Goth, skanus, and E. shew; the original meaning being probably, visible, worth seeing. It is not akin to E. shine. See Shew, v. t. ] Bright; glittering; radiant; fair; showy; sheeny. [ R., except in poetry. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
This holy maiden, that is so bright and sheen. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]
Up rose each warrier bold and brave,
Glistening in filed steel and armor sheen. Fairfax. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i. To shine; to glisten. [ Poetic ] [ 1913 Webster ]
This town,
That, sheening far, celestial seems to be. Byron. [ 1913 Webster ]
adv. Brightly. [ R. ] Mrs. Browning. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Bright; shining; radiant; sheen. “A sheeny summer morn.” Tennyson. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. sing. & pl. [ OE. shep, scheep, AS. sc&unr_;p, sceáp; akin to OFries. sk&unr_;p, LG. & D. schaap, G. schaf, OHG. scāf, Skr. chāga. √295. Cf. Sheepherd. ]
☞ The domestic sheep (Ovis aries) varies much in size, in the length and texture of its wool, the form and size of its horns, the length of its tail, etc. It was domesticated in prehistoric ages, and many distinct breeds have been produced; as the merinos, celebrated for their fine wool; the Cretan sheep, noted for their long horns; the fat-tailed, or Turkish, sheep, remarkable for the size and fatness of the tail, which often has to be supported on trucks; the Southdowns, in which the horns are lacking; and an Asiatic breed which always has four horns. [ 1913 Webster ]
Rocky mountain sheep.(Zool.)
Maned sheep. (Zool.)
Sheep bot (Zool.),
Sheep dog (Zool.),
Sheep laurel (Bot.),
Sheep pest (Bot.),
Sheep run,
Sheep's beard (Bot.),
Sheep's bit
Sheep pox (Med.),
Sheep scabious. (Bot.)
Sheep shears,
Sheep sorrel. (Bot.),
Sheep's-wool (Zool.),
Sheep tick (Zool.),
Sheep walk,
Wild sheep. (Zool.)
n. (Geol.) A rounded knoll of rock resembling the back of a sheep. -- produced by glacial action. Called also
n. (Bot.) The edible fruit of a small North American tree of the genus