n. (Org. Chem.)
n. [ L., fr. anima breath, soul: cf. F. animal. See Animate. ]
a. [ Cf. F. animal. ]
Animal magnetism.
Animal electricity,
Animal flower (Zool.),
Animal heat (Physiol.),
Animal spirits.
Animal kingdom,
n. [ As if fr. a L. animalculum, dim. of animal. ]
☞ Many of the so-called animalcules have been shown to be plants, having locomotive powers something like those of animals. Among these are Volvox, the Desmidiacæ, and the siliceous Diatomaceæ. [ 1913 Webster ]
Spermatic animalcules.
n. [ Cf. F. animalculisme. ]
n. [ Cf. F. animalculiste. ]
☞ Animalculæ, as if from a Latin singular animalcula, is a barbarism. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Like an animal. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. animalisme. ] The state, activity, or enjoyment of animals; mere animal life without intellectual or moral qualities or objectives; preoccupation with sensual, physical, or carnal pleasures. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]
n. [ L., fr. anima breath, soul: cf. F. animal. See Animate. ]
a. [ Cf. F. animal. ]
Animal magnetism.
Animal electricity,
Animal flower (Zool.),
Animal heat (Physiol.),
Animal spirits.
Animal kingdom,
n. [ As if fr. a L. animalculum, dim. of animal. ]
☞ Many of the so-called animalcules have been shown to be plants, having locomotive powers something like those of animals. Among these are Volvox, the Desmidiacæ, and the siliceous Diatomaceæ. [ 1913 Webster ]
Spermatic animalcules.
n. [ Cf. F. animalculisme. ]
n. [ Cf. F. animalculiste. ]
☞ Animalculæ, as if from a Latin singular animalcula, is a barbarism. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Like an animal. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. animalisme. ] The state, activity, or enjoyment of animals; mere animal life without intellectual or moral qualities or objectives; preoccupation with sensual, physical, or carnal pleasures. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]