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 ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น: wac, -wac-
WordNet (3.0)
(n)the basic unit of money in MalawiSyn.kwacha
(n)a hard blow with a flat object
(n)a member of the Women's Army Corps
(n)a city in east central Texas
(n)the basic unit of money in ZambiaSyn.kwacha
(adj)informal or slang terms for mentally irregularSyn.cracked, kookie, haywire, barmy, bats, batty, kooky, loony, wacky, crackers, bonkers, loco, fruity, nuts, dotty, loopy, buggy, round the bend, whacky, daft, nutty, around the bend
(adj)ludicrous, foolishSyn.wacky, goofy, whacky, zany, cockamamy, silly, sappy
(adv)in a mildly insane mannerSyn.balmily, dottily, nuttily, wackily
(n)a person who is regarded as eccentric or madSyn.wacko, whacko
(v)deliver a hard blow toSyn.thwack
(n)an army corps that was organized in World War II but is no longer a separate branch of the United States ArmySyn.WAC
NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
(n)คนนิสัยประหลาด (คำสแลง)See Also:คนที่มีพฤติกรรมแปลกจากผู้อื่นSyn.wacko
(sl)บ้าSee Also:ประสาทSyn.wacky
(n)คนที่มีนิสัยประหลาด (คำสแลง)See Also:คนไม่เต็มบาท, คนเพี้ยน, คนพฤติกรรมแปลกจากผู้อื่นSyn.wackAnt.normal
(sl)บ้าSee Also:ประสาทSyn.wacko
(adj)ประหลาด (คำสแลง)See Also:แปลก, ไม่เต็มบาท, พิลึกSyn.crazy, eccentric, madAnt.normal
(vt)หวดSee Also:ฟาด, เฆี่ยน
(vi)หวดSee Also:ฟาด, เฆี่ยน
(sl)เชยSee Also:ล้าสมัย
Hope Dictionary
n. โรคปวดแถวบริเวณขมับ
(แพด'ดีแวค) vt. ตี, เฆี่ยน, หวด, โกรธขึ้นฉับพลัน
(ธแวค) vt., n. (การ) หวด, ฟาด, เฆี่ยนSee Also:thwacker n.
Nontri Dictionary
(vt)เฆี่ยนตี, ฟาด, หวด
หินเกรย์แวก[ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
Longdo Unapproved EN-TH**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

‖n. [ G. ] Graywacke. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. [ G. grauwacke; grau gray + wacke wacke. See Gray, and Wacke, and cf. Grauwacke. ] (Geol.) A conglomerate or grit rock, consisting of rounded pebbles and sand firmly united together. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ This term, derived from the grauwacke of German miners, was formerly applied in geology to different grits and slates of the Silurian series; but it is now seldom used. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. (Zool.) See Paradoxure. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. The kwacha, the monetary unit of Malawi. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

n. [ Indian name. ] (Zool.) An American clupeoid fish (Clupea mediocris), similar to the shad in habits and appearance, but smaller and less esteemed for food; -- called also hickory shad, tailor shad, fall herring, and shad herring. [ 1913 Webster ]

v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Thwacked p. pr. & vb. n. Thwacking. ] [ Cf. OE. thakken to stroke, AS. þaccian, E. whack. ] 1. To strike with something flat or heavy; to bang, or thrash: to thump. “A distant thwacking sound.” W. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. To fill to overflow. [ Obs. ] Stanyhurst. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. A heavy blow with something flat or heavy; a thump. [ 1913 Webster ]

With many a stiff thwack, many a bang,
Hard crab tree and old iron rang. Hudibras. [ 1913 Webster ]

{ } n. [ G. wacke, MHG. wacke a large stone, OHG. waggo a pebble. ] (Geol.) A soft, earthy, dark-colored rock or clay derived from the alteration of basalt. [ 1913 Webster ]

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[  /  , Wéi kē, ㄨㄟˊ ㄎㄜ]Waco#249625[Add to Longdo]
Longdo Approved DE-TH
(n)|der, nur Sg.| เรื่องไร้สาระSee Also:der Blödsinn
(n)|der, pl. Wächter| ยาม, เจ้าหน้าที่รักษาความปลอดภัยSyn.Wärter
(vi)|wächst, wuchs, ist gewachsen| เติบโต, เจริญงอกงาม, ยาวขึ้น(เล็บ), ขึ้น(วัชพืช, หญ้า), เพิ่มความเข้มข้นขึ้น(เสียง, ความเกลียด, ความสนใจ)
(adj)ที่เอื้อต่อการเจริญเติบโตSee Also:A. wachstumhemmend
(adj)ที่ไม่เอื้อ, ยับยั้ง, ขัดขวาง ต่อการเจริญเติบโตSee Also:A. wachstumfördernd
(n)|das, nur Sg.| การเจริญเติบโต
(ökonomisch)|die, pl.Wachstumsraten| อัตราการเจริญเติบโต
(adj)รู้สึกตัวตื่น เช่น Ich bleibe gern eine Weile weiter im Bett nachdem ich wach war. ฉันชอบอยู่บนเตียงต่ออีกเดี๋ยวหลังจากที่รู้สึกตัวตื่นแล้ว
(vi)|wachte, hat gewacht, über + A| ไม่นอน, นอนไม่หลับ, คอยเฝ้าระวัง เช่น Er wachte die ganze Nacht am Schreibtisch. เขาอยู่ที่โต๊ะเขียนหนังสือไม่ยอมนอนทั้งคืน
(vi)|erwachte, ist erwacht| รู้สึกตัวตื่น(จากการนอนหลับ, ความสนใจตื่นตัว) เช่น Ihr Interesse ist erwacht. ความสนใจของหล่อนได้ถูกปลุกขึ้นSyn.wach werden
(vi)|wachte auf, ist aufgewacht| รู้สึกตัวตื่น(จากการนอนหลับ) เช่น Ich brauche keinen Wecker. Ich wache von selbst auf. ฉันไม่ต้องใช้นาฬิกาปลุก ฉันตื่นได้เองSee Also:erwachenSyn.wach werden
DING DE-EN Dictionary
Abhörgerät { n }; Überwachungsgerät { n }
Abschreibungsüberwachung { f }
amortization control[Add to Longdo]
Achillesferse { f } [ übtr. ]; wunder Punkt; Schwachstelle { f }
Achilles' heel [ fig. ]; weak spot[Add to Longdo]
Adoleszenz { f }; Zeit des Erwachsenwerdens; jugendliches Alter
adolescence[Add to Longdo]
Ast { m } (im Holz) | gesunder, verwachsener Ast (im Holz)
knot | sound knot[Add to Longdo]
Bauaufsicht { f }; Bauüberwachung { f }
construction supervision[Add to Longdo]
Baugüteüberwachung { f }
building materials quality control[Add to Longdo]
Bergwacht { f }
mountain rescue service[Add to Longdo]
Bewachung { f } | Bewachungen { pl }
custody | custodies[Add to Longdo]
Bienenwachs { n }
Bildschirm { m }; Überwachungsgerät { n }; überwachen
durch Biotechnik gewachsen
bioengineered[Add to Longdo]
Bockmist { m }; Mist { m }; Scheiß { m }; Schwachsinn { m } [ ugs. ]
bullshit (BS) [ coll. ][Add to Longdo]
Boden { m }; Erdboden { m } | Böden { pl } | anstehender Boden; gewachsener Boden
ground | grounds | natural ground; "the natural"[Add to Longdo]
Deklination { f } [ gramm. ] | Deklinationen { pl } | starke Deklination { f } | schwache Deklination { f }
declension | declensions | strong declension | weak declension[Add to Longdo]
Disagio { n }; Zuwachs { m }
accretion of discount[Add to Longdo]
Dummkopf { m }; Schwachkopf { m }; Depp { m }
Eigenkapitalzuwachs { m } aus sonstigen Quellen [ econ. ]
additional paid in capital[Add to Longdo]
Eiszuwachs { m }
ice accretion[Add to Longdo]
Epitaxiewachstum { n }; Aufwachsen einer Halbleiterschicht [ electr. ]
epitaxial growth[Add to Longdo]
Erwachen { n }
Erwachsene { m, f }; Erwachsener | Erwachsenen { pl }; Erwachsene
adult | adults[Add to Longdo]
Erwachsene { m, f }; Erwachsener | Erwachsenen { pl }
grownup | grown ups[Add to Longdo]
Erwachsenenbildung { f }
adult education[Add to Longdo]
Erwachsensein { n }; Erwachsenenalter { n }
Erwachsenwerden { n }
rite of passage[Add to Longdo]
Exzentriker { m }
Einbau von Fallen; Einbau von Schwachstellen; Fallenstellen { n }
entrapment[Add to Longdo]
Familienzuwachs { m }
addition to the family[Add to Longdo]
Fehlerüberwachung { f }
error control procedure[Add to Longdo]
Fehlerüberwachungseinheit { f }
error control unit[Add to Longdo]
Fernüberwachungsgerät { n }
telemonitor[Add to Longdo]
Feuerwache { f }
fire station[Add to Longdo]
Feuerwehrwache { f }
fire station[Add to Longdo]
Filterüberwachung { f }
filter control[Add to Longdo]
(lebendes) Fleisch | durchwachsenes Fleisch | sein eigenes Fleisch und Blut
flesh | marbled meat | his own flesh and blood[Add to Longdo]
Funküberwachung { f }
radio monitoring[Add to Longdo]
Geistesschwäche { f }; Schwachsinn { m } | Geistesschwächen { pl }
imbecility | imbecilities[Add to Longdo]
Gewachs { n }
produce; growth[Add to Longdo]
Gin { m }; Wacholderbranntwein { m }; Wacholderschnaps { m } | Gin Tonic
gin | gin and tonic[Add to Longdo]
Hauptstation { f }; Überwachungsstation { f }
master station[Add to Longdo]
Heini { m }; Flasche { f }; Schwachkopf { m }
twerp; twit[Add to Longdo]
Heißgastemperaturüberwachung { f }
hot gas temperature monitoring[Add to Longdo]
Herz { n } | Herzen { pl } | ein Herz aus Stein | ein Herz aus Stein | ins Herz schließen | ins Herz geschlossen | jdn. ans Herz drücken | jdm. ans Herz gewachsen sein | ans Herz drücken; an die Brust drücken; ins Herz schließen | aus tiefstem Herzen; aus innerster Seele | aus tiefstem Herzen danken | etw. auf dem Herzen haben | sich etw. zu Herzen nehmen | schweren Herzens
heart | hearts | a heart of stone | a heart of flint | to take into one's heart | locked in one's heart | to press (someone) close to one's heart | to be dear to someone's heart | to embosom (poetically; archaic) | with all one's heart and with all one's soul | to thank from the bottom of one's heart | to have sth. on the mind | to take root | with a heavy heart[Add to Longdo]
Hoffnung { f } (auf) | Hoffnungen { pl } | eine schwache Hoffnung | eine Hoffnung zerstören | sich mit eitlen Hoffnungen tragen | sich Hoffnungen hingeben | unrealistische Hoffnung
hope (for) | hopes | a slight hope | to dash a hope | to hug fond hopes | to cherish hopes | pie in the sky [ fig. ][Add to Longdo]
Idiotie { f }; Schwachsinn { m }
Kapitalzuwachs { m }
capital growth[Add to Longdo]
Klimaüberwachung { f }
climate observation[Add to Longdo]
Kontrollpunkt { m }; Überwachungsstelle { f }
checkpoint[Add to Longdo]
über den Kopf wachsen | über den Kopf wachsend | über den Kopf gewachsen
to outgrow { outgrew; outgrown } | outgrowing | outgrown[Add to Longdo]
EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[すなわち, sunawachi](adv, conj) (uk) that is; namely; i.e.; (P)#15327[Add to Longdo]
[suwacchi](n) swatch[Add to Longdo]
[wako-ru](n) Wacoal; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[かわちおんど, kawachiondo](n) narrative style of Bon dance song from eastern Osaka (often with improvised lyrics)[Add to Longdo]
[あやまちてはすなわちあらたむるにはばかることなかれ, ayamachitehasunawachiaratamurunihabakarukotonakare](exp) do not delay to make amends for one's wrongs[Add to Longdo]
[ごきない, gokinai](n) (See 四畿内) the Five Home Provinces (Yamato, Yamashiro, Settsu, Kawachi, and Izumi)[Add to Longdo]
[しきない, shikinai](n) (arch) (See 五畿内) the Four Home Provinces (Yamato, Yamashiro, Settsu, and Kawachi); obsolete in 757 when Izumi was established as a separate province from Kawachi[Add to Longdo]
[よわっちい, yowacchii](adj-i) (derog) (col) (See 弱い) weak; feeble[Add to Longdo]
[うわっちょうし, uwacchoushi](adj-na, n) flippant; frivolous; shallow; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[うわちょうし, uwachoushi](adj-na, n) high pitch; higher tone[Add to Longdo]
[しょくぎょうべつでんわちょう, shokugyoubetsudenwachou](n) classified telephone directory[Add to Longdo]
[かわちどり, kawachidori](n) plover on the riverside; plovers near a river[Add to Longdo]
[たたかえばすなわちかつ, tatakaebasunawachikatsu](v5t) to win every battle (that is fought)[Add to Longdo]
[さわち, sawachi](n) marshy land[Add to Longdo]
[でんわちゅう, denwachuu](n) during a telephone call; busy line[Add to Longdo]
[でんわちゅうもん, denwachuumon](n, vs) telephone order[Add to Longdo]
[でんわちょう, denwachou](n) telephone book; telephone directory; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[でんわちょうさ, denwachousa](n) telephone survey[Add to Longdo]
[どうわちく, douwachiku](n) assimilation district; area targeted for antidiscrimination measures; burakumin area[Add to Longdo]
[わちゅうきょうどう, wachuukyoudou](n, vs) harmonious cooperation; close cooperation[Add to Longdo]
JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
[てい, tei]NR.4 (IN EINER REIHE), D, ERWACHSENER, T-FORM[Add to Longdo]
[てい, tei]Nr.4 (In einer Reihe), D, Erwachsener, T-Form[Add to Longdo]
[てい, tei]Nr.4 (in e.Reihe), D, Erwachsener, T-Form[Add to Longdo]
[こうばん, kouban]Polizeiwache[Add to Longdo]
[はくちゅう, hakuchuu]ebenbuertig_sein, gewachsen_sein[Add to Longdo]
[のびる, nobiru]laenger_werden, sich_ausstrecken, wachsen, zunehmen[Add to Longdo]
[ていせいちょう, teiseichou]geringes_Wachstum[Add to Longdo]
[そくせい, sokusei](Wachstum) kuenstlich_beschleunigen[Add to Longdo]
[りしょく, rishoku](Geld) Gewinn_durch_Kapitalzuwachs[Add to Longdo]
[ひってき, hitteki]ebenbuertig_sein, gewachsen_sein[Add to Longdo]
[ぞうさん, zousan]Produktionszuwachs[Add to Longdo]
[おとな, otona]Erwachsener[Add to Longdo]
[まもる, mamoru]beschuetzen, verteidigen, bewachen, befolgen, einhalten[Add to Longdo]
[さんさい, sansai]essbare_wildwachsende_Pflanzen[Add to Longdo]
[よわい, yowai]schwach[Add to Longdo]
[よわまる, yowamaru]schwach_werden, schwaecher_werden[Add to Longdo]
[よわる, yowaru]schwach_werden, schwaecher_werden[Add to Longdo]
[じゃくたい, jakutai]schwach[Add to Longdo]
[じゃくてん, jakuten]Schwaeche, schwacher_Punkt[Add to Longdo]
[てつや, tetsuya](Nacht)durchwachen, aufbleiben[Add to Longdo]
[しんしんもうじゃくしゃ, shinshinmoujakusha]Geistesschwacher[Add to Longdo]
[こいごころ, koigokoro]Liebe, erwachende_Liebe[Add to Longdo]
[せいちょう, seichou]Wachstum[Add to Longdo]
[せいちょうりつ, seichouritsu]Wachstumsrate[Add to Longdo]
[ゆすりおこす, yusuriokosu]wachruetteln[Add to Longdo]
[ゆりおこす, yuriokosu]wachruetteln[Add to Longdo]
[にゅうじゃく, nyuujaku]Verweichlichung, Schwachheit[Add to Longdo]
[はしゅつじょ, hashutsujo]Zweigstelle, Polizeiwache[Add to Longdo]
[あわい, awai]-hell, -schwach, -matt, fluechtig[Add to Longdo]
[だくおん, dakuon]stimmhafter_Laut, schwacher_Herzton[Add to Longdo]
[じんろく, jinroku]Einfaltspinsel, Schwachkopf[Add to Longdo]
[おう, ou]wachsen, wachsen_lassen, zuechten[Add to Longdo]
[はえる, haeru]wachsen, wachsen_lassen, zuechten[Add to Longdo]
[はやす, hayasu]wachsen, wachsen_lassen, zuechten[Add to Longdo]
[せいいく, seiiku]Wachstum, Entwicklung[Add to Longdo]
[ばん, ban]Wache, Aufsicht, Dienst, Reihe, Nummer[Add to Longdo]
[ばんけん, banken]Wachhund[Add to Longdo]
[ゆちゃく, yuchaku]zusammenwachsen, zuwachsen, zuheilen[Add to Longdo]
[はついく, hatsuiku]Wachstum, Entwicklung[Add to Longdo]
[かん, kan]BEWACHEN, UEBERWACHEN[Add to Longdo]
[かんとく, kantoku]Ueberwachung, Kontrolle, -Leiter[Add to Longdo]
[かんし, kanshi]Aufsicht, Beaufsichtigung, -Wache[Add to Longdo]
[かんしとう, kanshitou]Wachturm[Add to Longdo]
[はんも, hanmo]ueppiges_Wachstum[Add to Longdo]
[そだつ, sodatsu]aufwachsen, wachsen[Add to Longdo]
[しげる, shigeru]dicht_wachsen, ueppig_wachsen, wuchern[Add to Longdo]
[うすい, usui]-duenn, -schwach, leicht, hell, hellfarbig[Add to Longdo]
[はくじゃく, hakujaku]Schwachheit, Schwaeche[Add to Longdo]
[きょじゃく, kyojaku]-schwach, schwaechlich[Add to Longdo]
ทราบความหมายของคำศัพท์นี้? กด เพื่อใส่คำนี้พร้อมความหมาย เพื่อเป็นวิทยาทานแก่ผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น ๆ