[āchānai] (adj) EN: highborn ; of noble birth ; well-bred ; wellborn ; well-trained
[dek rapchai] (n, exp) EN: maid ; servant ; boy ; page ; callboy FR: jeune serviteur [ m ] ; jeune servante [ f ]
[dī] (n) EN: gallbladder ; bile ; gall FR: bile [ f ] ; fiel [ m ]
[khaikhāo] (n, exp) EN: white of an egg ; egg white ; albumen FR: blanc d'oeuf [ m ]
[khloēm] (v) EN: forget oneself ; be absent-minded ; be a dreamy state ; fancy ; be in a transport ; be in a rapture ; be carried away ; be lost in thought ; be spellbound FR: être absorbé dans ses pensées ; se transporter (litt.) ; être dans la lune
[løtfai] (n) EN: bulb ; light bulb ; electric bulb ; incandescent lamp FR: ampoule [ f ] ; ampoule électrique [ f ]
[løtfaifā] (n) EN: bulb ; light bulb ; electric lamp ; incandescent lamp FR: ampoule (électrique) [ f ] ; lampe [ f ] ; lampe à incandescence [ f ]
[mon] (adj) EN: round ; rounded ; curving ; curved ; bulbous FR: arrondi
[ngū lāisø Mø Bunsong] (n, exp) EN: Boonsong's Keelback
[nok parøt Jīn] (n, exp) EN: Light-vented Bulbul FR: Bulbul de Chine [ m ]
[nok parøt lek tā khāo] (n, exp) EN: Grey-eyed Bulbul FR: Bulbul aux yeuxl gris [ m ]
[nok parøt ōng kaēm thao] (n, exp) EN: Grey-cheeked Bulbul FR: Bulbul brès [ m ]
[nok parøt sī phlai yai] (n, exp) EN: Olive-winged Bulbul FR: Bulbul aux ailes olive [ m ]
[nok parøt thøng sī thao] (n, exp) EN: Grey-bellied Bulbul FR: Bulbul à ventre gris [ m ]
[nok prøt Jīn] (n, exp) EN: Light-vented Bulbul ; Chinese Bulbul FR: Bulbul de Chine [ m ]
[nok prøt lek tā khāo Mø Bunsong] (n, exp) EN: Grey-eyed Bulbul
[phīseūa nøn bai kum nērō] (n, exp) EN: Orange Albatross
[phlēng lūkthung] (n, exp) EN: folk song ; country music ; hillbilly music
[samut phāp] (n, exp) EN: picture album ; photograph album ; picture book FR: album [ m ] ; album de photos [ m ]
[sukkhaphāp] (n) EN: health ; well-being = wellbeing FR: santé [ f ] ; état de santé [ m ] ; condition physique [ f ] ; bien-être [ f ]
[thaēp khreūangmeū jat rūpbaēp] (n, exp) EN: formatting tolbar FR: barre de formatage [ f ]
[thaēp khreūangmeū wāt rūp] (n, exp) EN: drawing toolbar
[thøng] (v) EN: nudge with the elbow ; jog with one's elbow FR: coudoyer ; bousculer
[thung nāmdī] (n) EN: gallbladder FR: vésicule biliaire [ f ]
[tit pāi] (v, exp) EN: put up a sign ; set up a sign ; set up a billboard ; label FR: étiqueter
[yīo øsprē] (n) EN: Osprey FR: Balbuzard pêcheur [ m ] ; Aigle pêcheur [ m ] ; Balbuzard fluviatile [ m ] ; Petit Aigle pêcheur [ m ] ; Aigle plongeur [ m ]
[yø] (n) EN: Indian Mulberry ; Great morinda ; Morinda citrifolia ; Mengkudu (Malaysia) ; beach mulberry ; Tahitian noni ; cheese fruit ; noni