[bāng-] (pref, (prep)) EN: ... uppon - (prefix : riverside village or town) ; district along a waterwayFR: ... sur- (préf. : cité située sur la rive d'un cours d'eau)
[江湖, Jiāng hú, ㄐㄧㄤ ㄏㄨˊ]rivers and lakes; around the whole country; cf 两江 and 两湖, Jiangnan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan provinces in Qing times#4371[Add to Longdo]
[であう, deau](v5u, vi) (1) (出遭う usu. has a negative connotation) to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter; to happen upon; (2) (出会う, 出合う only) (esp. 出合う) to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.); (3) (出会う, 出合う only) (often used imperatively as 出会え) to emerge and engage (an enemy); (P)#8048[Add to Longdo]
[のほとりに;のあたりに, nohotorini ; noatarini](exp) (1) (uk) (esp. のほとりに) on the shores of; by the side of (e.g. rivers, ponds); (2) in the neighborhood of; in the neighbourhood of; in the vicinity of; close by; near; by[Add to Longdo]