n. [ OE. loine, OF. logne, F. longe, from (assumed) LL. lumbea, L. lumbus join. Cf. Lends, Lumbar, Nombles. ] 1. That part of a human being or quadruped, which extends on either side of the spinal column between the hip bone and the false ribs. In human beings the loins are also called the reins. See Illust. of Beef. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. A cut of meat taken from this part of a food animal, as from cattle or hogs. [ PJC ]
3.pl. The pubic area; the genitalia, especially in women; as, receptive loins. [ PJC ]
n. A cloth covering for the loins, worn around the hips; -- sometimes worn in tropical areas as the only article of clothing. Syn. -- breechcloth, breechclout, G-string. [ WordNet 1.5 ]
[lūangkoēn] (v) EN: be rude ; be offensive to ; go too far ; take liberties with ; offend ; insultFR: offenser ; prendre des libertés (avec qqn.) ; aller trop loin (avec qqn.) ; dépasser les bornes (avec qqn.)