n. [ L. digitulus, dim. of digitus. ] (Zool.) A little finger or toe, or something resembling one. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. digitals. ]
☞ In digital computers, physical quantities in analog form, such as images, sounds, distances, voltages, etc., must first be converted to an internal digital representation before calculations can be performed on them. The conversion may be done by the data enterer, by approximation, in the case of numerical values, or by analog-to-digital conversion in the case of light or sound intensities. The latter case uses special equipment to convert the physical impulses into a digital value, using a pre-defined encoding system. [ PJC ]
n. [ Cf. F. digitaline. ]
n. [ NL.: cf. F. digitale. So named (according to Linnæus) from its finger-shaped corolla. ]
n. same as digitalization.
v. t.
a. [ L. digitals. ]
☞ In digital computers, physical quantities in analog form, such as images, sounds, distances, voltages, etc., must first be converted to an internal digital representation before calculations can be performed on them. The conversion may be done by the data enterer, by approximation, in the case of numerical values, or by analog-to-digital conversion in the case of light or sound intensities. The latter case uses special equipment to convert the physical impulses into a digital value, using a pre-defined encoding system. [ PJC ]
n. [ Cf. F. digitaline. ]
n. [ NL.: cf. F. digitale. So named (according to Linnæus) from its finger-shaped corolla. ]
n. same as digitalization.
v. t.