‖ [ It., according to the breve. ] (Old Church Music) With one breve, or four minims, to measure, and sung faster like four crotchets; in quick common time; -- indicated in the time signature by &unr_;. [ 1913 Webster ]
‖n. [ contr. fr. the article al the + ilah God. ] The name of the Supreme Being, in use among the Arabs and the Muslims generally. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ From T. Allan, who first distinguished it as a species. ] (min.) A silicate containing a large amount of cerium. It is usually black in color, opaque, and is related to epidote in form and composition. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ Cf. F. allantoïque. ] Pertaining to, or contained in, the allantois. [ 1913 Webster ]
Allantoic acid. (Chem.)
‖n. pl. [ NL. ] (Zool.) The division of Vertebrata in which the embryo develops an allantois. It includes reptiles, birds, and mammals. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Chem.) A crystalline, transparent, colorless substance found in the allantoic liquid of the fetal calf; -- formerly called allantoic acid and amniotic acid. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i. [ L. allatrare. See Latrate. ] To bark as a dog. [ Obs. ] Stubbes. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. To diminish in strength; to abate; to subside. “When the rage allays.” Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]