n. [ Cf. OF. valeterie the young unmarried nobles. ] The rabble; the crowd; the mob. [ 1913 Webster ]
Shall they hoist me up,
And show me to the shouting varletry
Of censuring Rome. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
Variety is nothing else but a continued novelty. South. [ 1913 Webster ]
The variety of colors depends upon the composition of light. Sir I. Newton. [ 1913 Webster ]
For earth hath this variety from heaven. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
There is a variety in the tempers of good men. Atterbury. [ 1913 Webster ]
He . . . wants more time to do that variety of good which his soul thirsts after. Law. [ 1913 Webster ]
☞ Varieties usually differ from species in that any two, however unlike, will generally propagate indefinitely (unless they are in their nature unfertile, as some varieties of rose and other cultivated plants); in being a result of climate, food, or other extrinsic conditions or influences, but generally by a sudden, rather than a gradual, development; and in tending in many cases to lose their distinctive peculiarities when the individuals are left to a state of nature, and especially if restored to the conditions that are natural to typical individuals of the species. Many varieties of domesticated animals and of cultivated plants have been directly produced by man. [ 1913 Webster ]
☞ These may be viewed as variations from the typical species in its most perfect and purest form, or, as is more commonly the case, all the forms, including the latter, may rank as Varieties. Thus, the sapphire is a blue variety, and the ruby a red variety, of corundum; again, calcite has many Varieties differing in form and structure, as Iceland spar, dogtooth spar, satin spar, and also others characterized by the presence of small quantities of magnesia, iron, manganese, etc. Still again, there are varieties of granite differing in structure, as graphic granite, porphyritic granite, and other varieties differing in composition, as albitic granite, hornblendic, or syenitic, granite, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]
Geographical variety (Biol.),
Variety hybrid (Biol.),
All sorts are here that all the earth yields!
Variety without end. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
But see in all corporeal nature's scene,
What changes, what diversities, have been! Blackmore. [ 1913 Webster ]
. A stage entertainment, live or televised, of successive separate performances, usually songs, dances, acrobatic feats, dramatic sketches, exhibitions of trained animals, or any specialties. When performed live in a theater, it was often called a
. a retail store selling a wide variety of items, especially of low price, as in a
Variety is nothing else but a continued novelty. South. [ 1913 Webster ]
The variety of colors depends upon the composition of light. Sir I. Newton. [ 1913 Webster ]
For earth hath this variety from heaven. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
There is a variety in the tempers of good men. Atterbury. [ 1913 Webster ]
He . . . wants more time to do that variety of good which his soul thirsts after. Law. [ 1913 Webster ]
☞ Varieties usually differ from species in that any two, however unlike, will generally propagate indefinitely (unless they are in their nature unfertile, as some varieties of rose and other cultivated plants); in being a result of climate, food, or other extrinsic conditions or influences, but generally by a sudden, rather than a gradual, development; and in tending in many cases to lose their distinctive peculiarities when the individuals are left to a state of nature, and especially if restored to the conditions that are natural to typical individuals of the species. Many varieties of domesticated animals and of cultivated plants have been directly produced by man. [ 1913 Webster ]
☞ These may be viewed as variations from the typical species in its most perfect and purest form, or, as is more commonly the case, all the forms, including the latter, may rank as Varieties. Thus, the sapphire is a blue variety, and the ruby a red variety, of corundum; again, calcite has many Varieties differing in form and structure, as Iceland spar, dogtooth spar, satin spar, and also others characterized by the presence of small quantities of magnesia, iron, manganese, etc. Still again, there are varieties of granite differing in structure, as graphic granite, porphyritic granite, and other varieties differing in composition, as albitic granite, hornblendic, or syenitic, granite, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]
Geographical variety (Biol.),
Variety hybrid (Biol.),
All sorts are here that all the earth yields!
Variety without end. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
But see in all corporeal nature's scene,
What changes, what diversities, have been! Blackmore. [ 1913 Webster ]
. A stage entertainment, live or televised, of successive separate performances, usually songs, dances, acrobatic feats, dramatic sketches, exhibitions of trained animals, or any specialties. When performed live in a theater, it was often called a
. a retail store selling a wide variety of items, especially of low price, as in a