a. [ Of uncertain etymol. ] Firm; sturdy. [ 1913 Webster ]
And for the good old cause stood buff,
'Gainst many a bitter kick and cuff. Hudibras. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ See Buffet. ] A buffet; a blow; -- obsolete except in the phrase “Blindman's buff.” See blindman's buff. [ 1913 Webster ]
Nathless so sore a buff to him it lent
That made him reel. Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]
Buff coat,
Buff jerkin,
Buff stick (Mech.),
v. t. [ OF. bufer to cuff, buffet. See Buffet a blow. ] To strike. [ Obs. ] B. Jonson. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. to polish with a soft cloth, especially one similar to a buff{ 5 }. See Buff, n., 5. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]
n. [ OE. buff, buffe, buff, buffalo, F. buffle buffalo. See Buffalo. ]
A visage rough,
Deformed, unfeatured, and a skin of buff. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]
To be in buff is equivalent to being naked. Wright. [ 1913 Webster ]
‖n. fem. (Mus.) [ It. See Buffoon. ] The comic actress in an opera. --
Aria buffa,
Opera buffa,
Buffalo berry (Bot.),
Buffalo bird (Zool.),
Buffalo bug,
Buffalo chips,
Buffalo clover (Bot.),
Buffalo cod (Zool.),
Buffalo fly,
Buffalo gnat
Buffalo grass (Bot.),
Buffalo nut (Bot.),
Buffalo robe,
A United States five-cent coin minted from 1913 to 1937 having an image of an American bison (“buffalo”) on its reverse, and an American Indian on the obverse. [ PJC ]