[muthitā] (n) EN: vicarious pleasure at another's good fortune ; good wished towards otherskindliness ; sympathetic joy ; feelings of pleasure ; gladness of another's successFR: sympathie [ f ]
[ほしい, hoshii](adj-i) (1) (See 欲しがる) wanted; wished for; in need of; desired; (aux-adj) (2) (after the -te form of a verb) I want (you) to; (P)#4889[Add to Longdo]
[そうはとんやがおろさない, souhatonyagaorosanai](exp) things don't work that well in the real world; things seldom go as one wishes; that is expecting too much[Add to Longdo]
[endeinguno-to](n) booklet constituting an informal living will (containing wishes regarding one's hospitalization or funeral, and perhaps one's life story, messages to loved ones, etc.) (wasei[Add to Longdo]