[khreūang len thēp] (x) EN: tape recorder ; tape deck ; cassette player ; cassette recorderFR: magnétophone [ m ] ; enregistreur à cassettes [ m ] ; enregistreur à bandes [ m ]
[mūan] (n) EN: [ classifier : rolls of things that are wound (audio tapes, photographic films, video tapes, toilet paper, rolls of cash register or calculator paper) ]FR: [ classificateur : matériaux enroulés (bandes audio et vidéo, films photographiques, papier hygiénique, rouleaux de caisse enregistreuse ou de calculatrice) ]
Treue { f } | eheliche Treue { f } | eheliche Treue { f } | in Treu und Glauben | jdm. die Treue brechen | jdm. die Treue halten | jdm. die Treue schwören
loyalty; faithfulness; fidelity | conjugal faith | faithfulness in marriage; being faithful to one's husband or wife; fidelity | in good faith | to break faith to sb. | to keep faith with someone | to swear fidelity to sb.[Add to Longdo]