n. [ From Till, v. t. ] One who tills; a husbandman; a cultivator; a plowman. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ AS. telgor a small branch. Cf. Till to cultivate. ]
v. i.
n. [ From OE. tillen, tullen, to draw, pull; probably fr. AS. tyllan in fortyllan to lead astray; or cf. D. tillen to lift up. Cf. Till a drawer. ]
You can shoot in a tiller. Beau. & Fl. [ 1913 Webster ]
Tiller rope (Naut.),
n. [ From Till, v. t. ] One who tills; a husbandman; a cultivator; a plowman. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ AS. telgor a small branch. Cf. Till to cultivate. ]
v. i.
n. [ From OE. tillen, tullen, to draw, pull; probably fr. AS. tyllan in fortyllan to lead astray; or cf. D. tillen to lift up. Cf. Till a drawer. ]
You can shoot in a tiller. Beau. & Fl. [ 1913 Webster ]
Tiller rope (Naut.),