(n)United States anarchist (born in Italy) who with Bartolomeo Vanzetti was convicted of murder and in spite of world-wide protest was executed (1891-1927), Syn.Nicola Sacco
English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]Hope Dictionary
[phitjai] (v) EN: have a difference ; be discordant ; be estranged ; have a grudge (against) ; be on bad terms ; be on the outs (with s.o.) ; be at loggerheads ; be sore (at) ; have a falling out ; estrange ; displease ; split upFR: être en désaccord ; se trouver en désaccord
[thūang] (v) EN: object to ; protest against ; argue against ; put forward an objection ; raise an objection ; criticize ; remonstrate ; expostulateFR: s'opposer (à) ; protester (contre) ; être en désaccord (avec) ; rouspéter (fam.)