[nok jap malaēng sī nāmtān] (n, exp) EN: Asian Brown FlycatcherFR: Gobemouche brun [ m ] ; Gobemouche marron [ m ] ; Gobemouche de Daourie [ m ] ; Gobe-mouches à large bec [ m ]
[nok kingkhrōng klaēp lang muang dam] (n, exp) EN: Purple-backed StarlingFR: Étourneau de Daourie [ m ] ; Martin à dos pourpré [ m ] ; Martin dominicain [ m ]
[道, dào, ㄉㄠˋ]direction; way; method; road; path; classifier for long thin stretches, rivers, roads etc; principle; truth; morality; reason; skill; method; Dao (of Daoism); to say; to speak; to talk#123[Add to Longdo]
[倒, dǎo, ㄉㄠˇ]to fall; to collapse; to topple; to fail; to go bankrupt; to change (trains or buses); to move around; to sell; to speculate (buying and selling, also 搗|捣); profiteer#1009[Add to Longdo]
[かけごえだおれ, kakegoedaore](n) starting with vigor but ending with no action; raising one's voice (in a call to action) and then failing to take action[Add to Longdo]