[kheun bandai] (v, exp) EN: go up the stairs ; go upstairs ; mount the stairs ; climb a ladderFR: monter l'escalier ; gravir les marches ; monter à l'échelle
(n)|der| พระสังฆราชในศาสนาคริสต์ เช่น Papst Benedikt XVI. hat die universelle Vorrangstellung der katholischen Kirche bekräftigt und damit einen Sturm der Entrüstung entfacht.
[ぜん, zen](n) (1) small dining table (usu. for a single person); serving tray (with legs); (2) (See 御膳) meal; food; serving; (ctr) (3) counter for bowlfuls of rice; counter for pairs of chopsticks; (P)#16822[Add to Longdo]
[ずぼらばし, zuborabashi](n) (obsc) picking up a bowl with one's right hand which is already holding one's chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)[Add to Longdo]
[せせりばし, seseribashi](n) poking one's food around using one's chopsticks; playing with one's food with one's chopsticks (a breach of etiquette)[Add to Longdo]