a. [ Pref. im- not + prosperous: cf. F. improspère, L. improsper. ] Not prosperous. [ Obs. ] Dryden. --
a. [ L. prosperus or prosper, originally, answering to hope; pro according to + the root of sperare to hope. See Despair. ]
A happy passage and a prosperous wind. Denham. [ 1913 Webster ]
By moderation either state to bear
Prosperous or adverse. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. prosperus or prosper, originally, answering to hope; pro according to + the root of sperare to hope. See Despair. ]
A happy passage and a prosperous wind. Denham. [ 1913 Webster ]
By moderation either state to bear
Prosperous or adverse. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]