[mai penrai] (v, exp) EN: Don't mention it ! ; Never mind ; It doesn't matter ; That's all right ; Don't worry about it ; You're welcome ; There's no need to worry about it ; It does not really matter ; It is not a problemFR: ce n'est rien ; de rien ; ne vous en faites pas ; ce n'est pas grave ; il n'y a pas de quoi
[いちにとらあり, ichinitoraari](exp) (id) people will believe something false if many agree that it is true (an example of argumentum ad populum); there's a tiger in the market[Add to Longdo]
[あかしんごうみんなでわたればこわくない, akashingouminnadewatarebakowakunai](exp) "If everyone crosses against the red light, then there's nothing to be afraid of"[Add to Longdo]
[せんばんにいちばんのかねあい, senbanniichibannokaneai](exp) (obsc) something so difficult that one doesn't know if there's even a 1 in 1000 chance of success[Add to Longdo]
[ながいむよう, nagaimuyou](exp) There's no point in staying (here) any longer; There's no point in prolonging a (the) visit; There's no point in extending one's stay[Add to Longdo]
[らっかえだにかえらずはきょうふたたびてらさず, rakkaedanikaerazuhakyoufutatabiterasazu](exp) fallen blossom doesn't return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine; what's done is done; there's no use crying over spilled milk[Add to Longdo]
[へをひってしりつぼめ, hewohitteshiritsubome](exp) there's no point squeezing your buttocks after you have farted; no use shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted[Add to Longdo]