a. [ L. See Minor, and cf. Mis- pref. from the French. ] (Math.) Less; requiring to be subtracted; negative;
Minus sign (Math.),
adj. of or relating to minuscule script, a small cursive script developed from uncial, and used in the 7th to 9th centuries.
n. [ L. minusculus rather small, fr. minus less: cf. F. minuscule. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
adj. a. Of or relating to a minuscule{ 2 } or of a script written in minuscules{ 2 }; of the size and style of minuscules{ 2 }; written in minuscules{ 2 }; minuscular. [ 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5 ]
These minuscule letters are cursive forms of the earlier uncials. I. Taylor (The Alphabet). [ 1913 Webster ]