a. [ L. porraceus, from porrum, porrus, a leek. ] Resembling the leek in color; greenish. [ R. ] “Porraceous vomiting.” Wiseman. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. porrectus, p. p. of porrigere to stretch out before one's self, to but forth. ] Extended horizontally; stretched out. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. porrectio: cf. F. porrection. ] The act of stretching forth. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ F. porrette, fr. L. porrum, porrus, leek. See Porraceous. ] A scallion; a leek or small onion. [ R. ] Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Probably corrupted fr. pottage; perh. influenced by OE. porree a kind of pottage, OF. porrée, fr. L. porrum, porrus, leek. See Pottage, and cf. Porringer. ] A food made by boiling some leguminous or farinaceous substance, or the meal of it, in water or in milk, making of broth or thin pudding;
n. [ OE. pottanger, for pottager; cf. F. potager a soup basin. See Porridge. ] A porridge dish; esp., a bowl or cup from which children eat or are fed;