n. [ L., neut. of albus white: cf. F. album. Cf. Alb. ]
n. [ L., fr. albus white. ]
v. t.
‖ [ L., Greek white. ] Dung of dogs or hyenas, which becomes white by exposure to air. It is used in dressing leather, and was formerly used in medicine. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Chem.) A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum of blood, and is found in other animal substances, both fluid and solid, also in many plants. It is soluble in water and is coagulated by heat and by certain chemical reagents. [ 1913 Webster ]
Acid albumin,
Alkali albumin,
n. (Chem.) A substance produced by the action of an alkali upon albumin, and resembling casein in its properties; also, a compound formed by the union of albumin with another substance. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ NL., fr. E. albumin. ] (Med.) The level of albumin in the blood. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. + AS ]
a. [ L. albumen + -ferous. ] Supplying albumen. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. albumen, albuminis + -meter: cf. F. albuminimètre. ] An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of albumen in a liquid. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Chem.) The substance of the cells which inclose the white of birds' eggs. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L., neut. of albus white: cf. F. album. Cf. Alb. ]
n. [ L., fr. albus white. ]
v. t.
‖ [ L., Greek white. ] Dung of dogs or hyenas, which becomes white by exposure to air. It is used in dressing leather, and was formerly used in medicine. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Chem.) A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum of blood, and is found in other animal substances, both fluid and solid, also in many plants. It is soluble in water and is coagulated by heat and by certain chemical reagents. [ 1913 Webster ]
Acid albumin,
Alkali albumin,
n. (Chem.) A substance produced by the action of an alkali upon albumin, and resembling casein in its properties; also, a compound formed by the union of albumin with another substance. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ NL., fr. E. albumin. ] (Med.) The level of albumin in the blood. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. + AS ]
a. [ L. albumen + -ferous. ] Supplying albumen. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. albumen, albuminis + -meter: cf. F. albuminimètre. ] An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of albumen in a liquid. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Chem.) The substance of the cells which inclose the white of birds' eggs. [ 1913 Webster ]