a. [ L. vinaceus. See Vine. ]
n. [ F., fr. vinaigre vinegar. ]
a. [ F. vinaigre vinegar. ]
n. [ F. ] (Chem.) The waste liquor remaining in the process of making beet sugar, -- used in the manufacture of potassium carbonate. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Pg. vinhatico. ] Madeira mahogany; the coarse, dark-colored wood of the Persea Indica. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (R. C. Ch.)
a. Of or pertaining to
n. (Chem.) A glucoside extracted from the root of the white swallowwort (Vincetoxicum officinale, a plant of the Asclepias family) as a bitter yellow amorphous substance; -- called also
n. The quality or state of being vincible, vincibleness. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. vincibilis, fr. vincere to vanquish, conquer: cf. F. vincible. See Victor. ] Capable of being overcome or subdued; conquerable. “He, not vincible in spirit . . . drew his sword.” Hayward. “Vincible by human aid.” Paley. [ 1913 Webster ]
Vincible ignorance (Theol.),