n. 1. One who labors hard and lives meanly; a mean fellow. “A sorry scrub.” Bunyan. [ 1913 Webster ]
We should go there in as proper a manner as possible; nor altogether like the scrubs about us. Goldsmith. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. Something small and mean. [ 1913 Webster ]
3. A worn-out brush. Ainsworth. [ 1913 Webster ]
4. A thicket or jungle, often specified by the name of the prevailing plant; as, oak scrub, palmetto scrub, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]
5. (Stock Breeding) One of the common live stock of a region of no particular breed or not of pure breed, esp. when inferior in size, etc. [ U.S. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
6. Vegetation of inferior quality, though sometimes thick and impenetrable, growing in poor soil or in sand; also, brush; -- called also scrub brush. See Brush, above. [ Australia & South Africa ] [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]
7. (Forestry) A low, straggling tree of inferior quality. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
Scrub bird (Zool.), an Australian passerine bird of the family Atrichornithidae, as Atrichia clamosa; -- called also brush bird. --
Scrub oak (Bot.), the popular name of several dwarfish species of oak. The scrub oak of New England and the Middle States is Quercus ilicifolia, a scraggy shrub; that of the Southern States is a small tree (Quercus Catesbaei); that of the Rocky Mountain region is Quercus undulata, var. Gambelii. --
Scrub robin (Zool.), an Australian singing bird of the genus Drymodes. [ 1913 Webster ]