n. [ E. round. Cf. Rondle. ] 1. A round; a step of a ladder; a rung. Duppa. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. A ball. [ Obs. ] Holland. [ 1913 Webster ]
3. Something which rotates about an axis, as a wheel, or the drum of a capstan. “An axis or cylinder having a rundle about it.” Bp. Wilkins. [ 1913 Webster ]
4. (Mach.) One of the pins or trundles of a lantern wheel. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Dim. of OF. rondele a little tun, fr. rond round. See Round, and cf. Roundlet, Runlet. ] A small barrel of no certain dimensions. It may contain from 3 to 20 gallons, but it usually holds about 141/2 gallons. [ Written also runlet. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
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