n. [ F. radis; cf. It. radice, Pr. raditz: all fr. L. radix, -icis, a root, an edible root, especially a radish, akin to E. wort. See Wort, and cf. Eradicate, Race a root, Radix. ] (Bot.) The pungent fleshy root of a well-known cruciferous plant (Raphanus sativus); also, the whole plant. [ 1913 Webster ]
Radish fly (Zool.),
Rat-tailed radish (Bot.),
Wild radish (Bot.),
n. [ F. radis; cf. It. radice, Pr. raditz: all fr. L. radix, -icis, a root, an edible root, especially a radish, akin to E. wort. See Wort, and cf. Eradicate, Race a root, Radix. ] (Bot.) The pungent fleshy root of a well-known cruciferous plant (Raphanus sativus); also, the whole plant. [ 1913 Webster ]
Radish fly (Zool.),
Rat-tailed radish (Bot.),
Wild radish (Bot.),