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 ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น: -godild-, *godild*, godil
Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

A corruption of God yield, i. e., God reward or bless. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. [ AS. gold; akin to D. goud, OS. & G. gold, Icel. gull, Sw. & Dan. guld, Goth. gulþ, Russ. & OSlav. zlato; prob. akin to E. yellow. √49, 234. See Yellow, and cf. Gild, v. t. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. (Chem.) A metallic element of atomic number 79, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known (specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and ductile. It is quite unalterable by heat (melting point 1064.4° C), moisture, and most corrosive agents, and therefore well suited for its use in coin and jewelry. Symbol Au (Aurum). Atomic weight 196.97. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Native gold contains usually eight to ten per cent of silver, but often much more. As the amount of silver increases, the color becomes whiter and the specific gravity lower. Gold is very widely disseminated, as in the sands of many rivers, but in very small quantity. It usually occurs in quartz veins (gold quartz), in slate and metamorphic rocks, or in sand and alluvial soil, resulting from the disintegration of such rocks. It also occurs associated with other metallic substances, as in auriferous pyrites, and is combined with tellurium in the minerals petzite, calaverite, sylvanite, etc. Pure gold is too soft for ordinary use, and is hardened by alloying with silver and copper, the latter giving a characteristic reddish tinge. [ See Carat. ] Gold also finds use in gold foil, in the pigment purple of Cassius, and in the chloride, which is used as a toning agent in photography. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Money; riches; wealth. [ 1913 Webster ]

For me, the gold of France did not seduce. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A yellow color, like that of the metal; as, a flower tipped with gold. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Figuratively, something precious or pure; as, hearts of gold. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

Age of gold. See Golden age, under Golden. --
Dutch gold,
Fool's gold,
Gold dust
, etc. See under Dutch, Dust, etc. --
Gold amalgam, a mineral, found in Columbia and California, composed of gold and mercury. --
Gold beater, one whose occupation is to beat gold into gold leaf. --
Gold beater's skin, the prepared outside membrane of the large intestine of the ox, used for separating the leaves of metal during the process of gold-beating. --
Gold beetle (Zool.), any small gold-colored beetle of the family Chrysomelidæ; -- called also golden beetle. --
Gold blocking, printing with gold leaf, as upon a book cover, by means of an engraved block. Knight. --
Gold cloth. See Cloth of gold, under Cloth. --
Gold Coast, a part of the coast of Guinea, in West Africa. --
Gold cradle. (Mining) See Cradle, n., 7. --
Gold diggings, the places, or region, where gold is found by digging in sand and gravel from which it is separated by washing. --
Gold end, a fragment of broken gold or jewelry. --
Gold-end man. (a) A buyer of old gold or jewelry. (b) A goldsmith's apprentice. (c) An itinerant jeweler. “I know him not: he looks like a gold-end man.” B. Jonson. --
Gold fever, a popular mania for gold hunting. --
Gold field, a region in which are deposits of gold. --
Gold finder. (a) One who finds gold. (b) One who empties privies. [ Obs. & Low ] Swift. --
Gold flower, a composite plant with dry and persistent yellow radiating involucral scales, the Helichrysum Stœchas of Southern Europe. There are many South African species of the same genus. --
Gold foil, thin sheets of gold, as used by dentists and others. See Gold leaf. --
Gold knobs or
Gold knoppes
(Bot.), buttercups. --
Gold lace, a kind of lace, made of gold thread. --
Gold latten, a thin plate of gold or gilded metal. --
Gold leaf, gold beaten into a film of extreme thinness, and used for gilding, etc. It is much thinner than gold foil. --
Gold lode (Mining), a gold vein. --
Gold mine, a place where gold is obtained by mining operations, as distinguished from diggings, where it is extracted by washing. Cf. Gold diggings (above). --
Gold nugget, a lump of gold as found in gold mining or digging; -- called also a pepito. --
Gold paint. See Gold shell. --
Gold pheasant, or
Golden pheasant
. (Zool.) See under Pheasant. --
Gold plate, a general name for vessels, dishes, cups, spoons, etc., made of gold. --
Gold of pleasure. [ Name perhaps translated from Sp. oro-de-alegria. ] (Bot.) A plant of the genus Camelina, bearing yellow flowers. C. sativa is sometimes cultivated for the oil of its seeds. --
Gold shell. (a) A composition of powdered gold or gold leaf, ground up with gum water and spread on shells, for artists' use; -- called also gold paint. (b) (Zool.) A bivalve shell (Anomia glabra) of the Atlantic coast; -- called also jingle shell and silver shell. See Anomia. --
Gold size, a composition used in applying gold leaf. --
Gold solder, a kind of solder, often containing twelve parts of gold, two of silver, and four of copper. --
Gold stick, the colonel of a regiment of English lifeguards, who attends his sovereign on state occasions; -- so called from the gilt rod presented to him by the sovereign when he receives his commission as colonel of the regiment. [ Eng. ] --
Gold thread. (a) A thread formed by twisting flatted gold over a thread of silk, with a wheel and iron bobbins; spun gold. Ure. (b) (Bot.) A small evergreen plant (Coptis trifolia), so called from its fibrous yellow roots. It is common in marshy places in the United States. --
Gold tissue, a tissue fabric interwoven with gold thread. --
Gold tooling, the fixing of gold leaf by a hot tool upon book covers, or the ornamental impression so made. --
Gold washings, places where gold found in gravel is separated from lighter material by washing. --
Gold worm, a glowworm. [ Obs. ] --
Jeweler's gold, an alloy containing three parts of gold to one of copper. --
Mosaic gold. See under Mosaic.
[ 1913 Webster ]

a. Gilded. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

n. An artisan who beats gold into goldleaf. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

n. The art or process of reducing gold to extremely thin leaves, by beating with a hammer. Ure. [ 1913 Webster ]

a. Encompassed with gold. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. an idle worthless person. [ slang ]
Syn. -- goof-off, ne'er-do-well, good-for-nothing, good-for-naught. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

n. The evasion of work or duty. [ informal ]
Syn. -- shirking, slacking, soldiering, goofing off. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

n. (Zool.) The European golden-crested kinglet (Regulus cristatus, or Regulus regulus); -- called also golden-crested wren, and golden wren. The name is also sometimes applied to the American golden-crested kinglet. See Kinglet. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. (Bot.) The cuckoobud. [ 1913 Webster ]

a. [ OE. golden; cf. OE. gulden, AS. gylden, from gold. See Gold, and cf. Guilder. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Made of gold; consisting of gold. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Having the color of gold; as, the golden grain. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Very precious; highly valuable; excellent; eminently auspicious; as, golden opinions. [ 1913 Webster ]

Golden age. (a) The fabulous age of primeval simplicity and purity of manners in rural employments, followed by the silver age, bronze age, and iron age. Dryden. (b) (Roman Literature) The best part (B. C. 81 -- A. D. 14) of the classical period of Latinity; the time when Cicero, Cæsar, Virgil, etc., wrote. Hence: (c) That period in the history of a literature, etc., when it flourishes in its greatest purity or attains its greatest glory; as, the Elizabethan age has been considered the golden age of English literature. --
Golden balls, three gilt balls used as a sign of a pawnbroker's office or shop; -- originally taken from the coat of arms of Lombardy, the first money lenders in London having been Lombards. --
Golden bull. See under Bull, an edict. --
Golden chain (Bot.), the shrub Cytisus Laburnum, so named from its long clusters of yellow blossoms. --
Golden club (Bot.), an aquatic plant (Orontium aquaticum), bearing a thick spike of minute yellow flowers. --
Golden cup (Bot.), the buttercup. --
Golden eagle (Zool.), a large and powerful eagle (Aquila Chrysaëtos) inhabiting Europe, Asia, and North America. It is so called from the brownish yellow tips of the feathers on the head and neck. A dark variety is called the royal eagle; the young in the second year is the ring-tailed eagle. --
Golden fleece. (a) (Mythol.) The fleece of gold fabled to have been taken from the ram that bore Phryxus through the air to Colchis, and in quest of which Jason undertook the Argonautic expedition. (b) (Her.) An order of knighthood instituted in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy; -- called also Toison d'Or. --
Golden grease, a bribe; a fee. [ Slang ] --
Golden hair (Bot.), a South African shrubby composite plant with golden yellow flowers, the Chrysocoma Coma-aurea. --
Golden Horde (Hist.), a tribe of Mongolian Tartars who overran and settled in Southern Russia early in the 18th century. --
Golden Legend, a hagiology (the “Aurea Legenda”) written by James de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, in the 13th century, translated and printed by Caxton in 1483, and partially paraphrased by Longfellow in a poem thus entitled. --
Golden marcasite tin. [ Obs. ] --
Golden mean, the way of wisdom and safety between extremes; sufficiency without excess; moderation. [ 1913 Webster ] Angels guard him in the golden mean. Pope. --
Golden mole (Zool), one of several South African Insectivora of the family Chrysochloridæ, resembling moles in form and habits. The fur is tinted with green, purple, and gold. --
Golden number (Chronol.), a number showing the year of the lunar or Metonic cycle. It is reckoned from 1 to 19, and is so called from having formerly been written in the calendar in gold. --
Golden oriole. (Zool.) See Oriole. --
Golden pheasant. See under Pheasant. --
Golden pippin, a kind of apple, of a bright yellow color. --
Golden plover (Zool.), one of several species of plovers, of the genus Charadrius, esp. the European (Charadrius apricarius, syn. Charadrius pluvialis; -- called also yellow plover, black-breasted plover, hill plover, and whistling plover. The common American species (Charadrius dominicus) is also called frostbird, and bullhead. --
Golden robin. (Zool.) See Baltimore oriole, in Vocab. --
Golden rose (R. C. Ch.), a gold or gilded rose blessed by the pope on the fourth Sunday in Lent, and sent to some church or person in recognition of special services rendered to the Holy See. --
Golden rule. (a) The rule of doing as we would have others do to us. Cf. Luke vi. 31. (b) The rule of proportion, or rule of three. --
Golden samphire (Bot.), a composite plant (Inula crithmoides), found on the seashore of Europe. --
Golden saxifrage (Bot.), a low herb with yellow flowers (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium), blossoming in wet places in early spring. --
Golden seal (Bot.), a perennial ranunculaceous herb (Hydrastis Canadensis), with a thick knotted rootstock and large rounded leaves. --
Golden sulphide of antimony, or
Golden sulphuret of antimony
(Chem.), the pentasulphide of antimony, a golden or orange yellow powder. --
Golden warbler (Zool.), a common American wood warbler (Dendroica æstiva); -- called also blue-eyed yellow warbler, garden warbler, and summer yellow bird. --
Golden wasp (Zool.), a bright-colored hymenopterous insect, of the family Chrysididæ. The colors are golden, blue, and green. --
Golden wedding. See under Wedding.
[ 1913 Webster ]

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
(n)ทองSee Also:ทองคำSyn.aurum
(adj)สีทองSee Also:ซึ่งเป็นสีทองSyn.aurous, golden
(adj)รุ่งเรืองSee Also:เฟื่องฟู
(n)แมลงเต่าทองSyn.gold beetle
(n)ปลาทองSee Also:ปลาเงินปลาทอง
(n)แผ่นทองบางๆSee Also:ทองคำเปลว
(n)แผ่นทองบางมาก สำหรับปิดทองพระพุทธรูปSee Also:ทองแผ่น
(n)เหมืองทองคำSee Also:บ่อทองคำ
Hope Dictionary
(โกลดฺ) n. ทอง
n. แผ่นทองSee Also:gold-foil adj.
แผ่นทองบางมากสำหรับปิดทองSee Also:goldleaf adj.
(โกล'ดาร์น') n., adj. ดูgoddamn
(โกล'เดิน) adj. สีทอง, ทำด้วยทอง, มีค่ามาก, ยอดเยี่ยม, งดงาม, เจริญรุ่งเรือง, ครบรอบ50 ปี.See Also:goldenness n.Syn.splendid, precious
ยุคทอง, ยุคเฟื่องฟู, ช่วงชีวิตหลังวัยกลางคน, อายุปลดเกษียณของคน
Nontri Dictionary
(adj)ทำด้วยทอง, ทำจากทอง, คล้ายทอง, มีสีทอง
(n)ทอง, ทองคำ, เหรียญทอง, ทรัพย์สมบัติ
(n)แผ่นทอง, ทองคำเปลว
(n)เหมืองทอง, ขุมทอง
(adj)เหมือนทอง, ทำด้วยทอง, ดีมาก, มีค่า, งดงาม, ประเสริฐ
ทองคำ[ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]
ข้อตกลงเงื่อนไขทอง[ประกันภัย ๒ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
ทองคำเปลว[ทันตแพทยศาสตร์๑๓ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
ทองคำเปลว[ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
สีทอง[ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
ผงทองคำ[ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
น้ำยาปิดทอง[ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
มาตราทองคำ[รัฐศาสตร์ ๑๗ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
อัตราส่วนทอง [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ extreme and mean ratio ][คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
ภาคตัดทอง [ มีความหมายเหมือนกับ medial section ][คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
คลังศัพท์ไทย (สวทช.)
ทอง[TU Subject Heading]
ทองคำExample:แหล่ง - ในประเทศไทยพบทองถึง 28 จังหวัด แหล่งสำคัญได้แก่ จังหวัดปราจีนบุรี นราธิวาส ลพบุรี ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ เชียงราย อุดรธานี เป็นต้น ประโยชน์ - เป็นโลหะมีค่าสูง ทำเครื่องประดับ ทำเหรียญสตางค์ และใช้ในวงการทันตแพทย์ส่วนมากได้จากทองคำธรรมชาติ ที่เป็นสารประกอบเพียงเล็กน้อย [สิ่งแวดล้อม]
ทอง, [การแพทย์]
ทองผสม[TU Subject Heading]
การค้นพบทอง[TU Subject Heading]
การร่อนทอง[TU Subject Heading]
อุตสาหกรรมทอง[TU Subject Heading]
WordNet (3.0)
(n)coins made of gold
(n)a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regiaSyn.Au, atomic number 79
(n)great wealth; --Ben Jonson
(n)something likened to the metal in brightness or preciousness or superiority etc.
(adj)made from or covered with goldSyn.gilded, golden
(n)an artisan who beats gold into gold leafSyn.gold-beater
(n)United States cartoonist who drew intricate diagrams of very complicated and impractical contraptions that accomplished little or nothing (1883-1970)Syn.Reuben Lucius Goldberg, Rube Goldberg
(n)a soldier who performs his duties without proper care or effort
(n)a brick-shaped block that looks like gold but is not
Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n. [ AS. gold; akin to D. goud, OS. & G. gold, Icel. gull, Sw. & Dan. guld, Goth. gulþ, Russ. & OSlav. zlato; prob. akin to E. yellow. √49, 234. See Yellow, and cf. Gild, v. t. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. (Chem.) A metallic element of atomic number 79, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. It has a characteristic yellow color, is one of the heaviest substances known (specific gravity 19.32), is soft, and very malleable and ductile. It is quite unalterable by heat (melting point 1064.4° C), moisture, and most corrosive agents, and therefore well suited for its use in coin and jewelry. Symbol Au (Aurum). Atomic weight 196.97. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Native gold contains usually eight to ten per cent of silver, but often much more. As the amount of silver increases, the color becomes whiter and the specific gravity lower. Gold is very widely disseminated, as in the sands of many rivers, but in very small quantity. It usually occurs in quartz veins (gold quartz), in slate and metamorphic rocks, or in sand and alluvial soil, resulting from the disintegration of such rocks. It also occurs associated with other metallic substances, as in auriferous pyrites, and is combined with tellurium in the minerals petzite, calaverite, sylvanite, etc. Pure gold is too soft for ordinary use, and is hardened by alloying with silver and copper, the latter giving a characteristic reddish tinge. [ See Carat. ] Gold also finds use in gold foil, in the pigment purple of Cassius, and in the chloride, which is used as a toning agent in photography. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Money; riches; wealth. [ 1913 Webster ]

For me, the gold of France did not seduce. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A yellow color, like that of the metal; as, a flower tipped with gold. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Figuratively, something precious or pure; as, hearts of gold. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

Age of gold. See Golden age, under Golden. --
Dutch gold,
Fool's gold,
Gold dust
, etc. See under Dutch, Dust, etc. --
Gold amalgam, a mineral, found in Columbia and California, composed of gold and mercury. --
Gold beater, one whose occupation is to beat gold into gold leaf. --
Gold beater's skin, the prepared outside membrane of the large intestine of the ox, used for separating the leaves of metal during the process of gold-beating. --
Gold beetle (Zool.), any small gold-colored beetle of the family Chrysomelidæ; -- called also golden beetle. --
Gold blocking, printing with gold leaf, as upon a book cover, by means of an engraved block. Knight. --
Gold cloth. See Cloth of gold, under Cloth. --
Gold Coast, a part of the coast of Guinea, in West Africa. --
Gold cradle. (Mining) See Cradle, n., 7. --
Gold diggings, the places, or region, where gold is found by digging in sand and gravel from which it is separated by washing. --
Gold end, a fragment of broken gold or jewelry. --
Gold-end man. (a) A buyer of old gold or jewelry. (b) A goldsmith's apprentice. (c) An itinerant jeweler. “I know him not: he looks like a gold-end man.” B. Jonson. --
Gold fever, a popular mania for gold hunting. --
Gold field, a region in which are deposits of gold. --
Gold finder. (a) One who finds gold. (b) One who empties privies. [ Obs. & Low ] Swift. --
Gold flower, a composite plant with dry and persistent yellow radiating involucral scales, the Helichrysum Stœchas of Southern Europe. There are many South African species of the same genus. --
Gold foil, thin sheets of gold, as used by dentists and others. See Gold leaf. --
Gold knobs or
Gold knoppes
(Bot.), buttercups. --
Gold lace, a kind of lace, made of gold thread. --
Gold latten, a thin plate of gold or gilded metal. --
Gold leaf, gold beaten into a film of extreme thinness, and used for gilding, etc. It is much thinner than gold foil. --
Gold lode (Mining), a gold vein. --
Gold mine, a place where gold is obtained by mining operations, as distinguished from diggings, where it is extracted by washing. Cf. Gold diggings (above). --
Gold nugget, a lump of gold as found in gold mining or digging; -- called also a pepito. --
Gold paint. See Gold shell. --
Gold pheasant, or
Golden pheasant
. (Zool.) See under Pheasant. --
Gold plate, a general name for vessels, dishes, cups, spoons, etc., made of gold. --
Gold of pleasure. [ Name perhaps translated from Sp. oro-de-alegria. ] (Bot.) A plant of the genus Camelina, bearing yellow flowers. C. sativa is sometimes cultivated for the oil of its seeds. --
Gold shell. (a) A composition of powdered gold or gold leaf, ground up with gum water and spread on shells, for artists' use; -- called also gold paint. (b) (Zool.) A bivalve shell (Anomia glabra) of the Atlantic coast; -- called also jingle shell and silver shell. See Anomia. --
Gold size, a composition used in applying gold leaf. --
Gold solder, a kind of solder, often containing twelve parts of gold, two of silver, and four of copper. --
Gold stick, the colonel of a regiment of English lifeguards, who attends his sovereign on state occasions; -- so called from the gilt rod presented to him by the sovereign when he receives his commission as colonel of the regiment. [ Eng. ] --
Gold thread. (a) A thread formed by twisting flatted gold over a thread of silk, with a wheel and iron bobbins; spun gold. Ure. (b) (Bot.) A small evergreen plant (Coptis trifolia), so called from its fibrous yellow roots. It is common in marshy places in the United States. --
Gold tissue, a tissue fabric interwoven with gold thread. --
Gold tooling, the fixing of gold leaf by a hot tool upon book covers, or the ornamental impression so made. --
Gold washings, places where gold found in gravel is separated from lighter material by washing. --
Gold worm, a glowworm. [ Obs. ] --
Jeweler's gold, an alloy containing three parts of gold to one of copper. --
Mosaic gold. See under Mosaic.
[ 1913 Webster ]

a. Gilded. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

n. An artisan who beats gold into goldleaf. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

n. The art or process of reducing gold to extremely thin leaves, by beating with a hammer. Ure. [ 1913 Webster ]

a. Encompassed with gold. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. an idle worthless person. [ slang ]
Syn. -- goof-off, ne'er-do-well, good-for-nothing, good-for-naught. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

n. The evasion of work or duty. [ informal ]
Syn. -- shirking, slacking, soldiering, goofing off. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

n. (Zool.) The European golden-crested kinglet (Regulus cristatus, or Regulus regulus); -- called also golden-crested wren, and golden wren. The name is also sometimes applied to the American golden-crested kinglet. See Kinglet. [ 1913 Webster ]

n. (Bot.) The cuckoobud. [ 1913 Webster ]

a. [ OE. golden; cf. OE. gulden, AS. gylden, from gold. See Gold, and cf. Guilder. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Made of gold; consisting of gold. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Having the color of gold; as, the golden grain. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Very precious; highly valuable; excellent; eminently auspicious; as, golden opinions. [ 1913 Webster ]

Golden age. (a) The fabulous age of primeval simplicity and purity of manners in rural employments, followed by the silver age, bronze age, and iron age. Dryden. (b) (Roman Literature) The best part (B. C. 81 -- A. D. 14) of the classical period of Latinity; the time when Cicero, Cæsar, Virgil, etc., wrote. Hence: (c) That period in the history of a literature, etc., when it flourishes in its greatest purity or attains its greatest glory; as, the Elizabethan age has been considered the golden age of English literature. --
Golden balls, three gilt balls used as a sign of a pawnbroker's office or shop; -- originally taken from the coat of arms of Lombardy, the first money lenders in London having been Lombards. --
Golden bull. See under Bull, an edict. --
Golden chain (Bot.), the shrub Cytisus Laburnum, so named from its long clusters of yellow blossoms. --
Golden club (Bot.), an aquatic plant (Orontium aquaticum), bearing a thick spike of minute yellow flowers. --
Golden cup (Bot.), the buttercup. --
Golden eagle (Zool.), a large and powerful eagle (Aquila Chrysaëtos) inhabiting Europe, Asia, and North America. It is so called from the brownish yellow tips of the feathers on the head and neck. A dark variety is called the royal eagle; the young in the second year is the ring-tailed eagle. --
Golden fleece. (a) (Mythol.) The fleece of gold fabled to have been taken from the ram that bore Phryxus through the air to Colchis, and in quest of which Jason undertook the Argonautic expedition. (b) (Her.) An order of knighthood instituted in 1429 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy; -- called also Toison d'Or. --
Golden grease, a bribe; a fee. [ Slang ] --
Golden hair (Bot.), a South African shrubby composite plant with golden yellow flowers, the Chrysocoma Coma-aurea. --
Golden Horde (Hist.), a tribe of Mongolian Tartars who overran and settled in Southern Russia early in the 18th century. --
Golden Legend, a hagiology (the “Aurea Legenda”) written by James de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, in the 13th century, translated and printed by Caxton in 1483, and partially paraphrased by Longfellow in a poem thus entitled. --
Golden marcasite tin. [ Obs. ] --
Golden mean, the way of wisdom and safety between extremes; sufficiency without excess; moderation. [ 1913 Webster ] Angels guard him in the golden mean. Pope. --
Golden mole (Zool), one of several South African Insectivora of the family Chrysochloridæ, resembling moles in form and habits. The fur is tinted with green, purple, and gold. --
Golden number (Chronol.), a number showing the year of the lunar or Metonic cycle. It is reckoned from 1 to 19, and is so called from having formerly been written in the calendar in gold. --
Golden oriole. (Zool.) See Oriole. --
Golden pheasant. See under Pheasant. --
Golden pippin, a kind of apple, of a bright yellow color. --
Golden plover (Zool.), one of several species of plovers, of the genus Charadrius, esp. the European (Charadrius apricarius, syn. Charadrius pluvialis; -- called also yellow plover, black-breasted plover, hill plover, and whistling plover. The common American species (Charadrius dominicus) is also called frostbird, and bullhead. --
Golden robin. (Zool.) See Baltimore oriole, in Vocab. --
Golden rose (R. C. Ch.), a gold or gilded rose blessed by the pope on the fourth Sunday in Lent, and sent to some church or person in recognition of special services rendered to the Holy See. --
Golden rule. (a) The rule of doing as we would have others do to us. Cf. Luke vi. 31. (b) The rule of proportion, or rule of three. --
Golden samphire (Bot.), a composite plant (Inula crithmoides), found on the seashore of Europe. --
Golden saxifrage (Bot.), a low herb with yellow flowers (Chrysosplenium oppositifolium), blossoming in wet places in early spring. --
Golden seal (Bot.), a perennial ranunculaceous herb (Hydrastis Canadensis), with a thick knotted rootstock and large rounded leaves. --
Golden sulphide of antimony, or
Golden sulphuret of antimony
(Chem.), the pentasulphide of antimony, a golden or orange yellow powder. --
Golden warbler (Zool.), a common American wood warbler (Dendroica æstiva); -- called also blue-eyed yellow warbler, garden warbler, and summer yellow bird. --
Golden wasp (Zool.), a bright-colored hymenopterous insect, of the family Chrysididæ. The colors are golden, blue, and green. --
Golden wedding. See under Wedding.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Longdo Approved DE-TH
(n)|das| การฉลองครบรอบ 50 ปี
(vt)|vergoldete, hat vergoldet| เคลือบทอง, ชุบทอง เช่น Die Glocken sind von Swarovski vergoldet.
Longdo Unapproved TH - KO**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Longdo Approved EN-TH
(n)สิ่งที่ได้รับการยกย่องหรือสักการะ ทั้งๆที่ไม่สมควรได้รับการยกย่อง
(n)รางวัลลูกโลกทองคำ เช่น The Golden Globe Awards, honoring excellence in film and television, are presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.
Golden Globe Award
Longdo Unapproved EN-TH**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
[[ โกลเด้น อีเกิ้ล ]](n)นกอินทรีทอง
(n)ชื่อปลาชนิดหนึ่ง (Gnathanodon speciosus) ที่พบในมหาสมุทรแปซิฟิกตะวันออก
(n, name)หนูผีช้างสะโพกสีทอง
ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
ใครก็ตามที่มีทองสร้างกฏAladdin (1992)
ผมรู้สึกได้ ผมจะได้เหรียญทลงCool Runnings (1993)
ที่คอเขา นั่นใช่เหรียญทองรึเปล่า?Cool Runnings (1993)
คนนั้นเหรอชนะ 2 เหรียญทอง?Cool Runnings (1993)
ทีนี้รู้มั้ยว่าฉันมาจากไหน ฉันมาจาก 2 เหรียญทองCool Runnings (1993)
แต่ถูกยึดเหรียญทองเนื่องจากโกง มันเป็นเรื่องแน่Cool Runnings (1993)
พ่อของดีรีซ คือ เบน แบนนอค เจ้าของเหรียญทองวิ่ง 200 เมตร ในโอลิมปิกฤดูร้อนเมื่อ 20 ปีที่แล้วCool Runnings (1993)
และบางที อาจจะเป็นเหรียญทองที่ 2 ของครอบครัวนี้Cool Runnings (1993)
พวกเรามาเพื่อชนะเหรียญทอง...Cool Runnings (1993)
และ จอห์น แค่วันแรก เราก็มีการชิงเหรียญทองกันแล้วCool Runnings (1993)
NECTEC Lexitron-2 Dictionary (TH-EN)
(n)gold ornamentSee Also:gold decorationSyn.ทองรูปพรรณExample:ราคาทองคำรูปพรรณในขณะนี้ขึ้นไปถึงบาทละ 6, 000 บาทThai Definition:เครื่องประดับที่ทำด้วยทองคำ
(n)golden locationSee Also:good spot, good locationSyn.ทำเลดีExample:ร้านค้าแถวนี้กลายเป็นแหล่งทำเลทองไปในทันทีหลังจากมีการสร้างห้างสรรพสินค้าขึ้น
(n)gold coinExample:ทีมตะกร้อของไทยมีความหวังเต็มเปี่ยมที่จะได้เหรียญทองมาครอบครองUnit:เหรียญThai Definition:เหรียญรางวัลที่ให้สำหรับผู้ชนะเลิศ
(n)goldsmith's chargeSee Also:making feeSyn.ค่าแรง, ค่าจ้างExample:ราคาทองรูปพรรณบาทละ 300 กว่า แต่ไม่เกิน 400 บาท ทั้งนี้ย่อมไม่รวมค่ากำเหน็จ
(n)gold ornamentsSee Also:gold plateSyn.เครื่องทองหยองExample:ชาวไฮโซนิยมสะสมเครื่องเพชร เครื่องทองทั้งหลายThai Definition:สิ่งของเครื่องใช้ที่ทำด้วยทองคำ
(n)goldfishExample:เขาชอบเฝ้าดูปลาทองตัวอ้วนที่เกล็ดสีทองเป็นประกายระยิบUnit:ตัวThai Definition:ชื่อปลาน้ำจืดชนิด Carassius aurafus ในวงศ์ Cyprinidae เลี้ยงเป็นปลาสวยงาม เกล็ดทั่วลำตัวมีสีทอง
(n)goldfishExample:ปลาเงินปลาทอง กำลังเป็นที่นิยมมาก จึงน่าสนใจที่จะเพาะปลาชนิดนี้ขายUnit:ตัวThai Definition:ชื่อปลาน้ำจืดชนิด Carassius aurafus ในวงศ์ Cyprinidae เลี้ยงเป็นปลาสวยงาม เกล็ดทั่วลำตัวมักมีสีเงินหรือทอง แต่ก็อาจเป็นสีดำ หรือด่าง
(n)coinSee Also:gold coin worth 2.50 bahtExample:ในห้องเหรียญของพิพิธภัณฑ์มีเหรียญพัดดึงส์แสดงไว้ด้วยUnit:เหรียญThai Definition:เรียกเหรียญทองครั้งรัชกาลที่ 4 ชนิดหนึ่ง มีค่าเท่ากับ 1 ใน 32 ของชั่ง = 2.50 บาท
(n)goldSyn.ทอง, กาญจนา, สุวรรณ, กนก, นพคุณ, กาญจน์Thai Definition:ธาตุแท้ชนิดหนึ่งเนื้อแน่นมาก สีเหลืองสุกปลั่ง เป็นโลหะมีค่า
Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
[bānburī sī leūang] (n, exp) EN: Common allamanda ; Golden trumpet
[bat thøng (sāmsip bāt)] (n, exp) EN: medical golden card  FR: carte de soins médicaux [ f ]
[champhūnot] (n) EN: pure gold
[chang thøng] (n) EN: goldsmith  FR: orfèvre [ m ]
[chomphūnut] (n) EN: pure gold  FR: or pur [ m ]
[chumhet thēt] (n, exp) EN: Ringworm bush ; Seven golden candle stick ; Candle bush ; Candelabra
[chup] (v) EN: plate ; gold ; gild  FR: plaquer ; argenter ; dorer
[dāoreūang] (n) EN: African marigold ; Aztec marigold ; Big marigold ; American marigold  FR: souci [ m ] ; oeillet d'inde [ m ]
[dāoreūang Farangsēt] (n, exp) EN: French marigold
[doēnthøng] (v) EN: print in gold letters  FR: écrire en lettres d'or
CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[, jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ]gold Au, transition metal, atomic number 79; metal; money; the Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234); surname Jin or Kim#473[Add to Longdo]
[  /  , huáng jīn, ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄐㄧㄣ]gold#1972[Add to Longdo]
[ , jīn pái, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄆㄞˊ]gold medal#3643[Add to Longdo]
[  /  , jīn bì, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄅㄧˋ]gold coin#6646[Add to Longdo]
[ , jīn sè, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄙㄜˋ]golden#7570[Add to Longdo]
[ / , diāo, ㄉㄧㄠ]golden eagle#9306[Add to Longdo]
[  /  , jīn yín, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄧㄣˊ]gold and silver#13014[Add to Longdo]
[   /   , jīn huáng sè, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄙㄜˋ]gold color#15396[Add to Longdo]
[   /   , huáng jīn zhōu, ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄐㄧㄣ ㄓㄡ]Golden Week; refers to three 7-day holiday periods at New Year 春節|春节, Labor day 勞動節|劳动节, National day 國慶|国庆#16062[Add to Longdo]
[  /  , jīn huáng, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄏㄨㄤˊ]golden yellow; golden#16602[Add to Longdo]
Saikam JP-TH-EN Dictionary
[きん, kin] TH: ทอง
[きん, kin] EN: gold
Longdo Unapproved DE-TH**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
(n)นกชนิดหนึ่งขนาดกลาง หัวสีดำ มีหงอนสีน้ำเงิน ใต้ท้องสีดำสลับเหลือง ส่วนหลังสีน้ำตาลอ่อน ตัวเมียมีหงอนสีน้ำตาล สวยงามมาก เรียกชื่อตาม English ornithologist ชื่อ John Henry Gurney
DING DE-EN Dictionary
Gold auf Nickel
gold over nickel base[Add to Longdo]
Goldader { f }
vein of gold[Add to Longdo]
Goldauflage { f }; Vergoldung { f }
Goldbarren { m }
gold bar; bar of gold[Add to Longdo]
Goldbarren { m }; Silberbarren { m }; Bullion { n }; ungeprägtes Edelmetall | Goldbarren { pl }; Silberbarren { pl }
bullion | bullions[Add to Longdo]
Goldfarbe { f }
Goldgräber { m }
gold-digger[Add to Longdo]
Goldgrube { f } | Goldgruben { pl }
goldmine | goldmines[Add to Longdo]
Goldgubber { pl }; Guldgubber { pl } [ hist. ]
guldgubber[Add to Longdo]
Goldhähnchen { n }
Goldhut { m } [ hist. ]
Goldklumpen { m } | Goldklumpen { pl }
nugget | nuggets[Add to Longdo]
Goldmedaille { f } | Goldmedaillen { pl }
gold medal | gold medals[Add to Longdo]
Goldoberfläche { f }
gold plating[Add to Longdo]
Goldplattierung { f }
gold plating[Add to Longdo]
EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[きん, kin](n, n-suf) (1) gold; golden (color); metaphor for (most) valuable; gold (medal, cup); (2) money (written before an amount); (3) (abbr) (See 金曜) Friday; (4) (See 五行・1) metal (fourth of the five elements); (5) Jin (dynasty of China; 1115-1234 CE); (6) (abbr) (See 金将) gold general (shogi); (7) (abbr) (col) (See 金玉・きんたま) testicles; (suf, ctr) (8) karat; carat; (P)#176[Add to Longdo]
[go-ruden](adj-no) golden; (P)#2322[Add to Longdo]
[go-rudo](adj-na, n) gold; (P)#3345[Add to Longdo]
[おうごん(黄金)(P);こがね(P);きがね(黄金)(ok);くがね(黄金)(ok), ougon ( ougon )(P); kogane (P); kigane ( ougon )(ok); kugane ( ougon )(ok)](n, adj-no) gold; (P)#3737[Add to Longdo]
[すな(砂;沙)(P);すなご(砂子;沙子);いさご, suna ( suna ; sa )(P); sunago ( suna ko ; sa ko ); isago](n) (1) sand; grit; (2) (すなご only) gold dust; silver dust; (P)#4544[Add to Longdo]
[きんメダル, kin medaru](n) gold medal#5884[Add to Longdo]
[きんざん;かなやま, kinzan ; kanayama](n) (gold) mine#6810[Add to Longdo]
[きんいろ(P);こんじき(P), kin'iro (P); konjiki (P)](n, adj-no) golden (colour, color); (P)#8516[Add to Longdo]
[きんしょう, kinshou](n) gold (first-place) prize#12467[Add to Longdo]
[なかみち, nakamichi](n, adj-no) (1) middle of the road; moderation; golden mean; (2) the middle (of what one is doing); half-way; (3) { Buddh } middle way; middle path; (P)#12681[Add to Longdo]
JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
[きん, kin]Gold, Metall, Geld[Add to Longdo]
[きんめだる, kinmedaru]Goldmedaille[Add to Longdo]
[きんかん, kinkan]goldene_Krone[Add to Longdo]
[きんかい, kinkai]Goldklumpen, Goldbarren[Add to Longdo]
[こんじき, konjiki]golden[Add to Longdo]
[こんじき, konjiki]golden[Add to Longdo]
[こんじき, konjiki]golden[Add to Longdo]
[きんぐさり, kingusari]goldene_Kette[Add to Longdo]
[きんぎょ, kingyo]Goldfisch[Add to Longdo]
[こがね, kogane]Gold[Add to Longdo]
ทราบความหมายของคำศัพท์นี้? กด เพื่อใส่คำนี้พร้อมความหมาย เพื่อเป็นวิทยาทานแก่ผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น ๆ