[khun] (v) EN: be familiar ; be conversant ; intimate ; acquaint ; be accustomed ; be well-known ; be used to ; habituateFR: être familier ; être habitué ; être intime
[khunkhoēi] (v) EN: acquaint ; be intimately acquainted ; make familier ; be familiar ; be intimate ; be accustomed ; be well-known ; habituate ; accustom
Familie { f } | Familien { pl } | eine Famile mit drei Personen | eine Familie unterhalten | eine Familie ernähren | seine Familie verlassen | in der Familie liegen | Familie, in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
family | families | a family of three | to keep a family | to support a family | to abandon one's family | to run in the family | skip-generation family[Add to Longdo]
[ニザダイあもく, nizadai amoku](n) Acanthuroidei (suborder of the order Perciformes, containing the families Acanthuridae, Ephippidae, Luvaridae, Scatophagidae, Siganidae, and Zanclidae)[Add to Longdo]
[ゆばはじめ, yubahajime](n) (1) ceremony on the fifth day of the 10th lunar month in which the emperor would watch prize archery (Heian and Kamakura periods); (2) first firing of the bow (after the New Year or the reconstruction of the archery range (in military families))[Add to Longdo]
[ごせっけ, gosekke](n) (See 摂関) the five regent houses; five families of the Fujiwara clan (Konoe, Kujo, Nijo, Ichijo, and Takatsukasa) entrusted as imperial regents and advisors starting in the Kamakura period[Add to Longdo]