a. [ L. maritimus, fr. mare the sea: cf. F. maritime. See Mere a pool. ] 1. Bordering on, or situated near, the ocean; connected with the sea by site, interest, or power; having shipping and commerce or a navy; as, maritime states. “A maritime town.” Addison. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]
2. Of or pertaining to the ocean; marine; pertaining to navigation and naval affairs, or to shipping and commerce by sea. “Maritime service.” Sir H. Wotton. [ 1913 Webster ]
Maritime law. See Law. -- Maritime loan, a loan secured by bottomry or respodentia bonds. -- Martime nations, nations having seaports, and using the sea more or less for war or commerce. [ 1913 Webster ]
(n)the branch of international law that deals with territorial and international waters or with shipping or with ocean fishery etc., Syn.admiralty law, marine law
(n)the collective name for the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Syn.Canadian Maritime Provinces, Maritimes
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)
a. [ L. maritimus, fr. mare the sea: cf. F. maritime. See Mere a pool. ] 1. Bordering on, or situated near, the ocean; connected with the sea by site, interest, or power; having shipping and commerce or a navy; as, maritime states. “A maritime town.” Addison. [ 1913 Webster +PJC ]
2. Of or pertaining to the ocean; marine; pertaining to navigation and naval affairs, or to shipping and commerce by sea. “Maritime service.” Sir H. Wotton. [ 1913 Webster ]
Maritime law. See Law. -- Maritime loan, a loan secured by bottomry or respodentia bonds. -- Martime nations, nations having seaports, and using the sea more or less for war or commerce. [ 1913 Webster ]
[アイエムオー, aiemuo-](n) (1) (See 国際数学オリンピック) International Mathematical Olympiad; IMO; (2) (See 国際海事機関) International Maritime Organization; IMO; (3) International Meteorological Organization; IMO[Add to Longdo]