n. [ F. anecdote, fr. Gr. &unr_; not published; 'an priv. + &unr_; given out, &unr_; to give out, to publish; &unr_; out + &unr_; to give. See Dose, n. ] 1.pl. Unpublished narratives. Burke. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. A particular or detached incident or fact of an interesting nature; a biographical incident or fragment; a single passage of private life. [ 1913 Webster ]
[reūangrāo] (n) EN: story ; tale ; matter ; account ; narrative ; yarnFR: histoire [ f ] ; récit [ m ] ; sujet [ m ] ; affaire [ f ] ; propos [ m ] ; rapport [ m ] ; compte rendu [ m ] ; narration [ f ] ; anecdote [ f ]
[ばつなぎ, batsunagi](n) filling in (e.g. between speakers at a meeting, acts at a show); material used to fill in (between speeches at a meeting, etc.); anecdote[Add to Longdo]