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 ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น: suu, -suu-
Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
[Øng Sān Sūjī] (n, prop) EN: Aung San Suu Kyi
CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[   , Áng shān Sù jī, ㄤˊ ㄕㄢ ㄙㄨˋ ㄐㄧ]Aung san Suu kyi (1945-), Myanmar opposition leader and 1991 Nobel Peace laureate; also written 昂山素季[Add to Longdo]
[   , Áng shān Sù jì, ㄤˊ ㄕㄢ ㄙㄨˋ ㄐㄧˋ]Aung san Suu kyi (1945-), Myanmar opposition leader and 1991 Nobel Peace laureate; also written 昂山素姬[Add to Longdo]
[    /    , Wēng shān Sū jī, ㄨㄥ ㄕㄢ ㄙㄨ ㄐㄧ]Aung san Suu kyi (1945-), Myanmar opposition leader and 1991 Nobel Peace laureate; also written 昂山素姬[Add to Longdo]
Saikam JP-TH-EN Dictionary
[すう, suu] TH: จำนวน
[すう, suu] EN: number
[すう, suu] TH: ตัวเลข
[すう, suu] EN: figure
[つうじる, tsuujiru] TH: เป็นที่เข้าใจได้(เพราะมีมาตลอด)
[つうじる, tsuujiru] TH: สื่อความหมายได้เข้าใจ
[つうじる, tsuujiru] TH: ติดต่อสื่อสารไม่ได้
[じょうぶんすう, joubunsuu] TH: สัดส่วนที่เหมาะสม
[じょうぶんすう, joubunsuu] EN: proper fraction
[つうじ, tsuuji] TH: สื่อความหมาย
[かいすうけん, kaisuuken] TH: ตั๋วราคาเดียวกันที่มีหลายใบขายเป็นชุดใช้สำหรับชำระค่าโดยสารเป็นต้น
[かいすうけん, kaisuuken] EN: book of tickets
[すう, suu] TH: สูบบุหรี่
[すう, suu] EN: to smoke
[すう, suu] TH: หายใจเข้า
[すう, suu] EN: to breathe in
[すう, suu] TH: ดูดเข้า
[すう, suu] EN: to suck
[でんきつうしんだいがく, denkitsuushindaigaku] TH: มหาวิทยาลัยเดงกิซือชิน
[でんきつうしんだいがく, denkitsuushindaigaku] EN: University of Electro-Communication
[つうかん, tsuukan] TH: การผ่านการตรวจจากด่านศุลกากร
[つうこう, tsuukou] TH: ผ่านไปมา
[つうこう, tsuukou] TH: การผ่านไปมา
[つうこう, tsuukou] EN: passing
[つうしん, tsuushin] TH: การติดต่อสื่อสาร
[つうしん, tsuushin] EN: correspondence (vs)
[つうしん, tsuushin] TH: ข่าว
[つうしん, tsuushin] EN: news
[すうにん, suunin] TH: หลายคน
[すうにん, suunin] EN: several people
EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[すう, suu](n) number; amount; (P)#162[Add to Longdo]
[すう, suu](pref) (1) several; a number of; (n) (2) number; numeral; figure; (3) destiny; fate; (4) law; (P)#162[Add to Longdo]
[こうつう, koutsuu](n, vs) traffic; transportation; communication; exchange (of ideas, etc.); intercourse; (P)#460[Add to Longdo]
[つうじょう, tsuujou](adj-no, n-adv, n-t) common; general; normal; usual; (P)#791[Add to Longdo]
[ふくすう, fukusuu](n, adj-no) several; plural; plurality; multiple; (P)#850[Add to Longdo]
[つうしん, tsuushin](n, vs) correspondence; communication; transmission; news; signal; (P)#980[Add to Longdo]
[つう, tsuu](adj-na, n) (1) connoisseur; authority; (ctr) (2) counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.; (P)#995[Add to Longdo]
[たすう, tasuu](n-adv, n) (1) great number; (adj-no) (2) countless; majority; (P)#1187[Add to Longdo]
[ふつう, futsuu](adj-no) (1) general; ordinary; usual; (adv) (2) normally; generally; usually; (3) (abbr) (See 普通列車) train that stops at every station; (P)#1198[Add to Longdo]
[かいすう, kaisuu](n) number of times; frequency; count; (P)#1384[Add to Longdo]
[つうさん, tsuusan](n, vs) total; (P)#1443[Add to Longdo]
[つうしょう, tsuushou](n, vs) popular name; nickname; alias; (P)#1826[Add to Longdo]
[つうか, tsuuka](n, vs) passage through; transit; passing; (P)#1932[Add to Longdo]
[きょうつう, kyoutsuu](adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) commonness; community; (vs) (2) to be common; to be shared; (n-suf) (3) -wide; (P)#1967[Add to Longdo]
[すうがく, suugaku](n) mathematics; arithmetic; (P)#2095[Add to Longdo]
[かいつう, kaitsuu](n, vs) opening; open; taking effect; becoming active; (P)#2362[Add to Longdo]
[つうち, tsuuchi](n, vs) notice; notification; report; posting; (P)#2518[Add to Longdo]
[すうじ, suuji](n) { math } numeral; figure; digit; numeric character; (P)#2882[Add to Longdo]
[かんすう, kansuu](n) { comp } function (e.g. math, programming, programing)#3202[Add to Longdo]
[かんすうじゼロ, kansuuji zero](n) (See 漢数字) "kanji" zero#3578[Add to Longdo]
[つうがく, tsuugaku](n, vs) commuting to school; school commute; (P)#3784[Add to Longdo]
[すうち, suuchi](n) (1) numerical value; numerics; (2) reading (on a meter, etc.); (P)#4195[Add to Longdo]
[ちょくつう, chokutsuu](n, vs, adj-no) direct communication; (P)#4257[Add to Longdo]
[りゅうつう, ryuutsuu](n, vs, adj-no) (1) circulation of money or goods; flow of water or air; distribution; (adj-f) (2) negotiable (e.g. shares); (P)#4369[Add to Longdo]
[ひきすう;いんすう(引数), hikisuu ; insuu ( hikisuu )](n) { comp } argument (e.g. function, program, programme)#4625[Add to Longdo]
[つうか, tsuuka](n, adj-no) currency; (P)#4654[Add to Longdo]
[そうすう, sousuu](n) total (number); count; (P)#4853[Add to Longdo]
[しょうすう, shousuu](n, adj-no) minority; few; (P)#4872[Add to Longdo]
[ていすう, teisuu](n) (1) { math } constant; (2) { comp } literal; (3) quorum (for an assembly); (4) fate; (P)#5014[Add to Longdo]
[つうこう, tsuukou](n, vs) (1) passage; passing; (2) common usage; (P)#5036[Add to Longdo]
[しゅうはすう, shuuhasuu](n) frequency (esp. of waveforms); (P)#5095[Add to Longdo]
[ぼば(牡馬);おうま;おま;おすうま, boba ( osuuma ); ouma ; oma ; osuuma](n) male horse#5739[Add to Longdo]
[しすう, shisuu](n) index; index number; exponent (e.g. in floating-point representation); characteristic; (P)#6019[Add to Longdo]
[つうじ, tsuuji](n) (1) understanding; (2) bowel movement; evacuation; (P)#6053[Add to Longdo]
[だいすう, daisuu](n) algebra#6091[Add to Longdo]
[つうきん, tsuukin](n, vs) commuting to work; (P)#6506[Add to Longdo]
[つうほう, tsuuhou](n, vs) (1) report; tip; bulletin; (2) { math;comp } message (in information and communication theory); (P)#6865[Add to Longdo]
[だいすう, daisuu](n) number of large objects such as cars, computers, etc.#7011[Add to Longdo]
[ずつう, zutsuu](n) headache; (P)#7658[Add to Longdo]
[ほんすう, honsuu](n) number of long thin objects (movies, TV programs, baseball games, etc.) (programmes); (P)#7866[Add to Longdo]
[つうろ, tsuuro](n) passage; pathway; roadway; avenue; aisle; (P)#7966[Add to Longdo]
[へんすう, hensuu](n) variable (e.g. math); parameter#8012[Add to Longdo]
[つうかん, tsuukan](n) consecutive number of (or total) volumes#8087[Add to Longdo]
[おてすう;おてかず, otesuu ; otekazu](n) (hon) (See 手数・てすう・1) trouble; bother#8104[Add to Longdo]
[つうよう, tsuuyou](n, vs) (1) popular use; circulation; (vs) (2) to pass as; (P)#8196[Add to Longdo]
[つうやく, tsuuyaku](n, vs) interpretation (i.e. oral translation); (P)#8592[Add to Longdo]
[ふじつう, fujitsuu](n) Fujitsu; (P)#8701[Add to Longdo]
[かんつう, kantsuu](n, vs, adj-no) pierce; penetrate; perforate; (P)#8853[Add to Longdo]
[せいすう, seisuu](n) integer; whole number; (P)#8930[Add to Longdo]
[そすう, sosuu](n) prime number; prime numbers#8988[Add to Longdo]
[10しんきすう, 10 shinkisuu]decimal radix[Add to Longdo]
[10しんしょうすう, 10 shinshousuu]decimal fraction[Add to Longdo]
[10しんしょうすうてん, 10 shinshousuuten]decimal point[Add to Longdo]
[10しんすう, 10 shinsuu]decimal, decimal digit, decimal number[Add to Longdo]
[いちたいいちのつうしん, ichitaiichinotsuushin]one to one communication[Add to Longdo]
[2しんデータどうきつうしん, 2 shin de-ta doukitsuushin]binary synchronous communication[Add to Longdo]
[2しんか10しんすう, 2 shinka 10 shinsuu]binary coded decimal (BCD)[Add to Longdo]
[2しんすうじ, 2 shinsuuji]binary digit[Add to Longdo]
[8しんすう, 8 shinsuu]octal[Add to Longdo]
[B−スプラインかんすう, B- supurain kansuu]B-spline[Add to Longdo]
[けたあげすう, ketaagesuu]carry digit[Add to Longdo]
[アドレスていすう, adoresu teisuu]address constant[Add to Longdo]
[アドレスていすうリテラル, adoresu teisuu riteraru]address constant literal[Add to Longdo]
[アナログつうしんろ, anarogu tsuushinro]analog channel[Add to Longdo]
[アナログへんすう, anarogu hensuu]analog variable[Add to Longdo]
[エンドエンドつうしんパス, endoendo tsuushin pasu]end to end communication path[Add to Longdo]
[カードつうろ, ka-do tsuuro]card path[Add to Longdo]
[クロックしゅうはすう, kurokku shuuhasuu]clock frequency[Add to Longdo]
[グローバルへんすう, guro-baru hensuu]global variable[Add to Longdo]
[こーすうえあ, ko-suuea]courseware[Add to Longdo]
[コードとうかがたデータつうしん, ko-do toukagata de-ta tsuushin]code-transparent data communication[Add to Longdo]
[コードどくりつがたデータつうしん, ko-do dokuritsugata de-ta tsuushin]code-independent data communication[Add to Longdo]
[コマンドぎょういんすう, komando gyouinsuu]command line argument[Add to Longdo]
[さうすうえすたんべる, sausuuesutanberu]Southwestern Bell[Add to Longdo]
[シェルへんすう, shieru hensuu]shell variable[Add to Longdo]
[システムきょうつうりょういき, shisutemu kyoutsuuryouiki]system common area[Add to Longdo]
[すいっちんぐかんすう, suicchingukansuu]switching function[Add to Longdo]
[すいっちんぐへんすう, suicchinguhensuu]switching variable[Add to Longdo]
[スイッチあいだつうし, suicchi aidatsuushi]interswitch signalling[Add to Longdo]
[ストリングへんすう, sutoringu hensuu]string variable[Add to Longdo]
[ダイオードかんすうはっせいき, daio-do kansuuhasseiki]Diode Function Generator, DFG[Add to Longdo]
[テンポラリへんすう, tenporari hensuu]temporary variable[Add to Longdo]
[データつうしん, de-ta tsuushin]data communication[Add to Longdo]
[データつうしんきき, de-ta tsuushinkiki]Data Communications Equipment, DCE[Add to Longdo]
[データつうしんそうち, de-ta tsuushinsouchi]data communications equipment[Add to Longdo]
[ディジタルけいすうがた, deijitaru keisuugata]digital[Add to Longdo]
[ナイキストしゅうはすう, naikisuto shuuhasuu]Nyquist frequency[Add to Longdo]
[はっしゅかんすう, hasshukansuu]hash function[Add to Longdo]
[パソコンつうしん, pasokon tsuushin]personal computer communication[Add to Longdo]
[ファックスつうしんきのう, fakkusu tsuushinkinou]facsimile communications function[Add to Longdo]
[フィボネッチすうれつ, fibonecchi suuretsu]Fibonacci series[Add to Longdo]
[フロントエンドつうしんプロセッサ, furontoendo tsuushin purosessa]front-end communications processor[Add to Longdo]
[ブールかんすう, bu-ru kansuu]Boolean function[Add to Longdo]
[ブールだいすう, bu-ru daisuu]Boolean algebra[Add to Longdo]
[ブロッキングけいすう, burokkingu keisuu]blocking factor[Add to Longdo]
[ブロックかいんすう, burokku kainsuu]blocking factor[Add to Longdo]
[プロセスかんつうしん, purosesu kantsuushin]InterProcess Communication[Add to Longdo]
[ぽいんと . つう . ぽいんと, pointo . tsuu . pointo]point to point[Add to Longdo]
[ぽいんと . つう . まるちぽいんと, pointo . tsuu . maruchipointo]point to multipoint[Add to Longdo]
[メッセージつうしんシステム, messe-ji tsuushin shisutemu]Message Handling System, MHS[Add to Longdo]
JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
[ちゅうすう, chuusuu]Zentrum[Add to Longdo]
[こうつう, koutsuu]Verkehr[Add to Longdo]
[こうつうもう, koutsuumou]Verkehrsnetz[Add to Longdo]
[ぐうすう, guusuu]gerade_Zahl[Add to Longdo]
[きょうつう, kyoutsuu]gemeinsam[Add to Longdo]
[たんすう, tansuu]Einzahl, Singular[Add to Longdo]
[すう, suu]saugen, einsaugen, lutschen, -rauchen[Add to Longdo]
[かいすうけん, kaisuuken]Sammelfahrkarte[Add to Longdo]
[つぼすう, tsubosuu]-Flaeche, Flaecheninhalt[Add to Longdo]
[たすう, tasuu]grosse_Menge, Mehrheit[Add to Longdo]
[だいたすう, daitasuu]die_ueberwiegende_Mehrheit[Add to Longdo]
[きすう, kisuu]ungerade_Zahl[Add to Longdo]
[すう, suu]VEREHREN, HOCH, ERHABEN[Add to Longdo]
[すうはい, suuhai]Verehrung, Anbetung[Add to Longdo]
[すうけい, suukei]Verehrung, Hochachtung[Add to Longdo]
[すうこう, suukou]erhaben[Add to Longdo]
[のべつぼすう, nobetsubosuu]Gesamtflaeche[Add to Longdo]
[いしのそつう, ishinosotsuu]Einverstaendnis[Add to Longdo]
[てすう, tesuu]Bemuehung, Muehe[Add to Longdo]
[てすうりょう, tesuuryou]Gebuehr, Provision[Add to Longdo]
[すうおくねん, suuokunen]viele_Millionen_Jahre[Add to Longdo]
[すうじ, suuji]Zahl, Ziffer[Add to Longdo]
[すうがく, suugaku]Mathematik[Add to Longdo]
[すうびょう, suubyou]einige_Sekunden[Add to Longdo]
[すうせき, suuseki]mehrere (Schiffe)[Add to Longdo]
[すうせきのふね, suusekinofune]mehrere_Schiffe[Add to Longdo]
[せいすう, seisuu]die_ganze_Zahl[Add to Longdo]
[ぶんつう, buntsuu]Schriftverkehr, Briefwechsel[Add to Longdo]
[ふつう, futsuu]-normal, gewoehnlich[Add to Longdo]
[ふつうせんきょ, futsuusenkyo]allgemeine_Wahlen, die_allgemeinen_Wahlen[Add to Longdo]
[まいすう, maisuu]Zahl_der_Blaetter[Add to Longdo]
[すう, suu]DREHPUNKT, ACHSE, GELENK[Add to Longdo]
[すうみつ, suumitsu]Staatsgeheimnis[Add to Longdo]
[すうよう, suuyou]wichtig[Add to Longdo]
[すうじく, suujiku]-Achse, Mittelpunkt, Zentrum[Add to Longdo]
[つつうらうら, tsutsuuraura]das_ganze_Land[Add to Longdo]
[りゅうつう, ryuutsuu]Umlauf, Zirkulation, Marketing[Add to Longdo]
[むすう, musuu]zahllos[Add to Longdo]
[そつう, sotsuu]Einverstaendnis[Add to Longdo]
[つうこん, tsuukon]grosses_Bedauern, Bitterkeit[Add to Longdo]
[つうれつ, tsuuretsu]-bitter, -scharf, schneidend[Add to Longdo]
[そせんすうはい, sosensuuhai]Ahnenkult[Add to Longdo]
[くつう, kutsuu]-Schmerz[Add to Longdo]
[ふくすう, fukusuu]Plural, Mehrzahl[Add to Longdo]
[かんつう, kantsuu]durchbohren, durchdringen[Add to Longdo]
[ちょきんつうちょう, chokintsuuchou]Sparbuch[Add to Longdo]
[けんすう, kensuu]Zahl_der_Haeuser[Add to Longdo]
[つうぞくぶんがく, tsuuzokubungaku]Unterhaltungsliteratur[Add to Longdo]
[つうしん, tsuushin]Korrespondenz, Nachricht, Kommunikation[Add to Longdo]
[つうしんこうざ, tsuushinkouza]Fernkurs[Add to Longdo]
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