a. [ L. amphiprostylos, Gr. &unr_; having a double prostyle: cf. F. amphiprostyle. See Prostyle. ] (Arch.) Doubly prostyle; having columns at each end, but not at the sides. --
a. [ Cf. AS. fyrstig. ]
a. (Bot.) Having styles of two or more distinct forms or lengths. Darwin. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Bot.) The condition of being heterostyled. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. prostylus, Gr. &unr_;; &unr_; before + &unr_; pillar, column: cf. F. prostyle. ] (Arch.) Having columns in front. --
n. A castle and domain conferred on a nobleman for life. [ Poland ] Brande & C. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ 2d uro- + Gr. &unr_; a pillar. ] (Anat.) A styliform process forming the posterior extremity of the vertebral column in some fishes and amphibians. [ 1913 Webster ]